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disease Need help identifying a potential disease

Hello, I seem to have a problem with my pepper plants. I grow them under a CFL array of 2x 23W + 1x 26W and a 1x 100W incandescent for heat, I did not grow them from seed - I bought the plants fairly mature and with pods from a local plantation. It's currently winter where I am, so an indoors greenhouse with the CFLs is the only option I have right now. Anyway, this is the issue:
It's one of the first affected leaves, and therefore the most affected.
I have tried researching this, and couldn't find anything relevant. Note: this IS spreading, but spreading slowly over the leaves.

I do have to say that temperatures inside the greenhouse HAVE reached under 19C, but usually hang around 26-27C when the CFL/incandescent array is on (16 hours a day).
I have once (by mistake) watered the plants and splashed quite a bit of water on the leaves, but I am quite unsure whether that has anything to do with this.

Thanks in advance.
I would say lacking in phosphorus or nutrients in general based on the purple veins and purpling of the leaf in general. This can be caused by too wet/cold of a root zone (ie growing medium) ... how say you??
Hi Seraphim,
I have to ask this....Did you replant your pepper plants once you got them home? If not, that would be the place to start. First off, the commercial greenhouses use crap dirt, and I've found that they are normally full of bugs and ugly stuff. replant them right away with some nice clean potting mix and that will allow you to see if the roots look good, nice and white. You might just find the problem down there.

To me, that looks like you have something eating the roots.
I would lean more towards the cold causing the issue. That will restrict phosphorous movement. Warm them up and keep them warm and see if that doesn't fix the problem.
Good luck.