Need help identifying cause of deformation of new growth

Hi Everyone,
I need help identifying some deformed new growth I'm experiencing on some of my plants. I'm growing around 50 peppers right now with a good mix of annuums, chinenses, baccatums, and pubescens. These growth issues are only appearing on all 5 out of 5 of my Lemon Drops and 2 out of 6 of my Habanadas.
The affected leaves typically are smaller and rounder, with frilled, almost serrated edges, and usually more hair. Some leaves have zigzagged main veins, with most cupping upwards and some cupping downwards. Usually all new leaves on a stem are deformed, but not all new growth is shows the issue. I've attached some pictures.
I don't suspect nutrient issues as 4 of the plants are in ground in garden beds, and 3 are in hydroponics. The hydro plants have been in solution for a year now without ever showing these issues. The plants are not all located in close proximity to each other either. I removed leaves and looked at them under a magnifying loop for mites but did not see anything suspicious.
I'm suspecting some sort of pest, virus, or possibly herbicide damage but I'm not certain.
What do you all think? Thanks!


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I'm a rookie at this, but kind of looks like broad mites. Unfortunately I'm very experienced with those pests, they are the worst. The whole plant ends up eventually shutting down. Any brownish tan areas in the new deformed growth..?
What power is your scope..?
This pic is broad mite damage I had a while ago. A complete soaking drench in neem cured it fast for me... I topped off all the damaged areas, since the deformed stuff will never 'heal'. The plant took off as soon as the pests were gone.
acs1 said:
I'm a rookie at this, but kind of looks like broad mites. Unfortunately I'm very experienced with those pests, they are the worst. The whole plant ends up eventually shutting down. Any brownish tan areas in the new deformed growth..?
What power is your scope..?
This pic is broad mite damage I had a while ago. A complete soaking drench in neem cured it fast for me... I topped off all the damaged areas, since the deformed stuff will never 'heal'. The plant took off as soon as the pests were gone.
Wow, your damage looks almost identical to mine. I have some neem but I haven't used it yet, I'll have to do some trimming and apply some tonight. Thanks!

My loupe is 15x.
nunkynunky said:
Wow, your damage looks almost identical to mine. I have some neem but I haven't used it yet, I'll have to do some trimming and apply some tonight. Thanks!

My loupe is 15x.
Spray heavily before topping/trimming is the advice I was given and it worked for me very well.
I have a hand microscope, loops, and magnifying glass. Anything less than 40x and you can't see broad mites.
If it is mites, and it looks to be, get on the spray fast, don't let this get out of control. Which can happen real fast with broad mites.
acs1 said:
Spray heavily before topping/trimming is the advice I was given and it worked for me very well.
I have a hand microscope, loops, and magnifying glass. Anything less than 40x and you can't see broad mites.
If it is mites, and it looks to be, get on the spray fast, don't let this get out of control. Which can happen real fast with broad mites.

I gave all affected plants a good spray with neem oil tonight. I'll prune off all of the damaged growth in the morning and keep an eye out for any new infestations. Thanks for the help!