Need help identifying this plants leaf illness

Good day to you all :-)
I'm fairly new when it comes to growing chillies and have one plant in particular that has gotten some nasty condition. The leaves curl upwards and have
this nasty stuff on the backside:

Other than that the plant seems healthy setting new shoots and flowering normally. I've seen some different looking "bumps" on some of my other plants as well but the internet have yet to provide me with an answer yet heavy googling:-/
Does anyone have a clue what this is? Thanks in advance for any replies!
//BR NorthernChill
drathag said:
I think it's edema. I don't know much about it but have seen it mentioned around before
it seems like you're correct:
"Signs of edema plant disease vary between susceptible species, but often include bumps, blisters or water-soaked areas on the undersides of leaves. These areas may expand and become corky, but in other plants, curling and distortion are common. White, crusty eruptions may form along the leaf veins or gall-like structures can develop under leaves with yellow corresponding spots on the upper leaf surface."
Thanks for the quick diagnose :-) I'll let the pot dry out and buy a fan to help with the ventilation around the leaves!