Hello all!
I bought a house in February, and the lot has been overgrown, neglected for the better part of a decade. I had been told that the previous owner had been huge into gardening, and at one point the house and gardens were gorgeous. We've been left with a hand written note of what the previous owner planted, along with some sort of numbers. I've been trying to figure out the numbers but have been unsuccessful so far. It doesn't seem to line up with anything on the plat map, I thought maybe they're some kind of coordinates but it doesn't make much sense, some items have one number and some have five. Maybe it's product numbers? I'm not sure, if anyone has any ideas of what they could be I'd be interested. About the only thing I've found is the blackberry bush, but I'm keeping an eye out while cleaning the lot up.
Edit: mods feel free to move this, it's probably not in the right place
I bought a house in February, and the lot has been overgrown, neglected for the better part of a decade. I had been told that the previous owner had been huge into gardening, and at one point the house and gardens were gorgeous. We've been left with a hand written note of what the previous owner planted, along with some sort of numbers. I've been trying to figure out the numbers but have been unsuccessful so far. It doesn't seem to line up with anything on the plat map, I thought maybe they're some kind of coordinates but it doesn't make much sense, some items have one number and some have five. Maybe it's product numbers? I'm not sure, if anyone has any ideas of what they could be I'd be interested. About the only thing I've found is the blackberry bush, but I'm keeping an eye out while cleaning the lot up.
Edit: mods feel free to move this, it's probably not in the right place