Need help with pepper plants

Hi everyone,
This is my first time growing peppers and everything has been going fairly good. But this week I have noticed some issues with some of my plants and I was wonder if someone could help me figure out what is wrong with them.
The issue that I am having is leaf curling. Has seen in the image below:

This plant is by far the worst. I think from something else that I read in this forum that the issue maybe that the plant needs calcium. And when I check the potting soil that is was in (Miracle Grow, moisture control) it didn't have any calcium or magnesium in it. If anyone has any other ideas, please let me know.
The other thing that I just saw day, is a thinning of the leaves. It is mainly in spots on some of the bigger leaves. Here is a picture:


I am thinking that this maybe caused by the lights being too close to the plants and burning the leaves, but I am not sure. Any ideas?
For some background information. I am currently top watering and I only water the plants when the soil looks dry. I have not used any fertilizer yet. So they just have what is in the potting mix. I have a fan running on them, but it is set low has I have had some issue with some of the plant falling over and I don't want to stress them too much. For lighting I am using a single T5 grow light. This is what my set up look like right now:

Any help would be great. Thank you!
IIRC...Leaf curl/clawing is from too much nitrogen... I see your MG soil has granular fertilizer in it...
Might be your culprit...
Babysas said:
IIRC...Leaf curl/clawing is from too much nitrogen... I see your MG soil has granular fertilizer in it...
Might be your culprit...
I think this is perlite, not fertilizer
Bro, I see in your first pic you are lacking 100% magnesium. Get some Epsom salt 1 tablespoon per gallon and spray your leaves and water your plants with it ONCE SOIL IS DRYER. Your leaves will turn green again. FACT.
Symptoms of mag deficiency is dark green veins but yellower on the rest. Fix this quick!!
First welcome to the site :welcome:
As to your current situation I believe it all has to do with watering. In no way to I believe you have a nutrient deficiency. Take a look at this picture

the yellowing and the downward curls to me says too much water, if on the current path in a few days I think this leaf will look like the leaf in the first picture.
Your set-up looks nice but I wonder if you have holes in the bottom of your cups for drainage. If you had to guess bout how much water would you say your giving each cup? 1/2 C, 1/4 C etc. The best advice I have been given on this site when it comes to watering is to use the lift technique. Before and after watering lift your cups, you will get a feel for what a dry cup, a watered cup and an overwatered cup the more you perform this task and you will get a better feeling for how much and how often to water. Not saying you have to lift every cup but maybe five or so out of the bunch before deciding to add water.
As for the spots on your plants, I wonder if this is from water left on the leaves after watering. I had something similiar going on with mine last season. Though not as extreme as what your showing.
See what you think here...
If the "bad" leaves are buggin you you can go ahead and snip em off too. Plant will be fine either way
I would also sugest moving your light up to get a wider spread, the plants on the front of the table look to be in the shade a bit. Last question, are you still using this light

Just my 2 cents,
Good luck, give us an update in a while how things are going
Thank you everyone for your help.
It sounds like my main problem is simply that I am giving them too much water. I will cut back how much I am watering them.
I also check the label for the soil that I am using and it doesn't have any magnesium, so I will need to use some epsom salt next time I water. I have one question about this so I wait to give them anything until they need water again, or should I go ahead and mist them with a spray bottle that has water and epsom salt in it now?\
Thank you for the long, detailed post. The cups do have holes in the bottom. I have been giving them about 1/4 of a cup of water whenever the tops looked dry. It much have been too much. I will try what you suggested.
I don't think the spots are caused by water on the leaves, because I don't normally water them in a way that gets waters on the leaves.
I am currently using that light. I am working on adding some more light, so they all can get more lights. Any advice on how to attach lights to the bottom of a table would be appreciated. 
Thanks again everyone.
if you got too much nitrogen replant in new soil.  I don't like to feed mine till they go outside, but i use good soil on my seedlings and epsom salt.