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seeds Need seed recommendations

This is my third attempt at growing chillies. First time, I tried growing a couple of red hot cherries. They stopped growing after 1 months worth of growth and died... Then, I grew some red,orange and chocolate habs, only to have half of them turn yellow and die, and the other half massacred by snails or aphids (went on vacation for 3 days, when got back leaves were chewed to shits). My current grow is 10 fatalies. 8 of them all die unexpectedly, and the other two are experiencing extremely slow growth (they're have their first ~5 leaves but they're 3 months old...).

Anyways I'd like to know what you'd all recommend as an easy/hardy variety. Keep in mind taste wise fatalies and chocolate habenaros are my favourite. Red savinas and jalapenos (smoky-in your throat-chocking) type varieties I'd like to avoid. They should also be pretty hot and if possible high yielding. Yes, I'm an idealist but I'm sure such a pepper exists :P

Peace and love,
Select what you want to grow, your problem lies in the soil, not the chile variety.

If you want an easy grow, buy some Pro Mix BX and plant in that until you learn to mix your own medium and don't over water em. ;)
Let me start off by saying :welcome: to the THP!!

Sir, you are growing the easy and hardy ones. Looks like you need a good dose of the "THP grow link" you'll find links ranging from germination to fruition and everything in between. You have come to the right place to master your skill.

Put up some pics so we can see what's going on with them!!

Good luck.
I agree with superhot. Fatalii and chocolate habs should meet your criteria. Pictures would definitely be helpful. I believe as SS pointed out you are probably having issues with your soil and/or your watering habits. Are they growing in the ground or in containers?
I agree with superhot. Fatalii and chocolate habs should meet your criteria. Pictures would definitely be helpful. I believe as SS pointed out you are probably having issues with your soil and/or your watering habits. Are they growing in the ground or in containers?

Ill look into my soil. I'm using a mixture of miracle grow seedling starter mix and homemade organic compost. I'm pretty sure it's beaming with nutrients :) They're in containers atm. The container is a 2l pop bottle thing. There should be plenty of room for root development. Will have to check out aforementioned links. every-time I try looking up ''growing tips-growing for beginners ect..) I get marijuana links XD As for wattering, I only do it when they soild feels pretty dry. Outdoors that equates to every 2-3 days. Indoors once a week... Ill upload pics tonight or tomorrow.

Do the 2L bottles have drainage holes? What ratio of seed starter to compost did you mix? I would normally recommend planting them into the ground if that is an option but I don't know how long your growing season in Toronto is. I would imagine it would be beneficial for you to have them in containers so you can move them in and out of your garage or house when you get frost warnings in the Fall.
Yeah, I made sure there were plenty... Little wearing to plant them in the ground ATM because of pests and rain. It's been raining 2-3 times a week for the past month or so. Didn't think the plants would survive that.

Can someone post me those grow links? Having a little difficulty finding them.
As mention earlier, "Pro Mix BX" is newbie friendly and hard to mess it up. Just add water and some friendly ferts (nothing too strong) and you're good to go!!

Make sure your pots have good drainage or the roots will rot. You may want to take a look at the roots to see if they're good and healthy.

Good luck!!
That is probably a big part of the problem. They most likely have been drowning.

Yeah... I've actually been putting them in under some shelter to prevent them from drowning, but I imagine the 100% humidity doesn't help either...

Been thinking of starting them out indoors. At-least until they're almost ready to fruit/when the weather gets better. Any one have experience growing indoors with cfl's? My room-mates have been adamantly against with my requests to do so earlier, citing it as a ''firehazzard''. *sigh* Ill have a look on these forums for ''fire-retardant'' grows... if such a thing exists..

edit: Ill have to pick some of that up, superhot. According to ebay, it's expensive though :(