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Need Serrano Advice

Who has experience growing these... I have happy plants except for my little Serrano.

What makes them happy?

I have Googled trying to find a good guide without success.

Thanks all!
I am on my 2nd year growing these and have found that they are quite easy. What type of problems are you having? Do you have some pics showing your Serrano plants? They should be planted and cared for just like any other pepper plant, nothing special is needed.

Give us some more info on your situation and we can better help you. ;)
Dunno why I had problems with the Serrano's as well. They just wouldn't survive, but I didn't give up. I just kept planting them :lol:. I'm going to see if I can overwinter the ones that I have for next year.
I wouldn't say it is full sun that bothers them since mine are in full sun here in north Texas...they are on the south side of my north fence...I have 5 plants that are over 5' tall and absolutely loaded with pods/flowers...I have grown serranos for 10 years and they are always one of my best late season producers...

really need more information and a picture would be nice...

how are you treating them?
Serrano is one of my two major disappointments this year. The plant never did well and although it did make some pods, it could have been much better. I'll try again next year as I love them.
"If your hot pepper plants get excessive nitrogen in the soil, this can lead to yellowing of the leaves where the lower leaves on the plant turn yellow while the veins are dark green or brown. If this continues, eventually the leaf tips and edges will turn brown and become brittle. If this sounds like what is happening to your hot pepper plant, the solution is to over-water the plant for the next several waterings. This will flush the extra nitrogen out and if the roots have not been affected, the hot pepper plant should recover."

Found this tip online and seems to be describing my situation... the dark green veins were what allowed me to zero in on it.
Read something else that said it could be "Interveinal chlorosis" which is indicative of a magnesium defficiency... going to try and zap it with some epsom salts.