Need some Growing Help

I have two plants that I would like some help with.  They are older and blooming.  Things that I can learn with them with your help will help with the younger batch that started from seed about 3 months ago. I am on the Coast of San Diego within a 0.5 mile of the water. 
Plant #1 - Moruga Original Blend
10 gal Pot
Soil = Fox Farm Ocean Forest
Fert = "         "  Grow Big and Big Bloom, dose every two weeks or so, qty per bottle instructions
Water = Generally Every other day, or as needed based on soil feel.  Occasionally a light shower/mist in the middle of afternoon. 
This plant has had a rough ride so far.  I got it from stc3248 and it was just fine. got dropped when I got home, but survived.   Then got wind battered before getting transplanted.  It was in full sun for a while, but the top leaves looked like they were getting burned up. I moved the plant to the side of the house where it would get half the sun.  
Young in Full Sun

The plant responded well to the sun adjustment.  Recently it got invaded by ants, and ultimately aphids in a certain section.  Along the way I could tell it got stressed, leaf and bloom drop.  Some pods had developed, but stopped growing.  So I got a few premature pods no larger than a nickel. I treated the ahpids with a water + canola oil + baking soda mix spray.  It may have gotten to heavy in the area where they aphids were, so that may have done so damage.  Letting things settle, I added ladybugs to the plant.  Let them work some but most may have left.  Then flooded the pot and the plant, trying to wash out the ants.  Once the concrete dried, I added diatamecous earth around the base of the pot.  That is about where she stands at this point.  
Is there anything I can do to help bring the plant back?  It has some new pods that just formed as you can see by the photos.  Would like to nurse this baby back to any level of health possible. 




Plant #2 - Jamaican Scotch Bonnet
10 Gallon Pot
Soil = Fox Farm Ocean Forest
Fert = "         "  Grow Big and Big Bloom, dose every two weeks or so, qty per bottle instructions
Full Sun
Water = Every other day or as needed based on feel. Occassional afternoon shower/mist. 
This plant has grown really well, another from stc.  However experiencing a slight leaf and bloom drop when the blooms started coming in heavily.  2-3 yellowed leaves a day, and 4-5 blooms a day, give or take a few.  The pods that have matured have been the premature small pods, and I am seeing more on the plant.  These are primarily the first flowers that bloomed on the plant.  Is that normal?     Not really any full size pods yet. Any ideas or suggestions to improve bloom health and pod growth?  

Some blooms are yellowing, and these are generally the ones that drop. 



Idk I'm inexperienced and maybe not picky enough as a result, but those look pretty healthy to me man. Especially if the pods are ripening up fine. I'd jus let em do their thing.
Cal mag ?? Leaves look a little bubbly in that first pic . I've read on here when they look like that your plant might have a cal mag deficiency . Some cal mag plus might help that , would also help with the blooms falling off I think ?? Don't take my word for it , I'm sure someone who knows more than me will fill you in ;) .
Have you checked plant #1 for mites?  get a hand lens...also get a ph meter. Kelway...
When you are fertilizing all the time and your plants still aren't green you may have some soil (drainage / porosity) or ph issues going on, binding up nutrients. 
thanks for the responses so far.  I may watch the watering first and see how they respond.  I will probably hold off on buying a ph meter but will definitely check for more buggers.  Will also hunt the forums on the cal mag points.  Thanks everyone. 
i would cut fert dose in half, only water when plants ask for it by drooping and cease misting (asking for fungus problems). ocean forest is a very hot mix and if you have been using that fert shed since plant out than i would say they are in overdose/lock out, which will cause slow deformed growth and bud drop.
You've got all the signs of over fertilizing, yellow bottom leaves, leaf edges that are yellowed and curling, brown burnt tips.  Cut the fertilizing down, flush them well when they dry out next and they should recover.
will do!  Considering cal mag, but would a foliar feed with the fox farms big bloom help any?  

Also wanted to share the progress of the fatali that is about the same age.   It is doing well but there is still some leaf and bloom drop. 
10 Gallon Pot
Soil = Fox Farm Ocean Forest
Fert = "         "  Grow Big and Big Bloom, dose every two weeks or so, qty per bottle instructions
Afternoon to Evening Sun (Next to Moruga)
Water = Every other day or as needed based on feel. Occassional afternoon shower/mist. 


I don't water till the leaves droop. I've let them go till they look dead a couple times. If definitely get some calmag too! Also they will drop flowers if they are still young. Mine are hitting 6 months now and have stopped dropping flowers. Otherwise great looking plants and keep up the good work!
smileyguy697 said:
I don't water till the leaves droop. I've let them go till they look dead a couple times. If definitely get some calmag too! Also they will drop flowers if they are still young. Mine are hitting 6 months now and have stopped dropping flowers. Otherwise great looking plants and keep up the good work!
Thank you.  It just seems so antithetical to me. In my head "no your drooping OMG you need water."  heheheh I will get learned though. 
So a short update on progress.  I backed off on watering everything until the plants started to show wilting.  We have not had much sun at all on the coast for about 3 weeks now.  Maybe 2-3 days of good full sun, the rest have just been clouds and 60-70% humidity.
Plant #1 - Scotch Bonnet
Watering as needed. One fert recently at half dose.  A lot of bloom death, and some pods are now yellowing and falling off. Lack of sun?


  This part of the plant got friendly with the adjacent Rose bush a few weeks back. It did not like the rose bush.  The branches on this side really died back, and the whole plant has tilted away from the rose bush by a good 6+ inches.  Some new groth formed but you can see some yellowing in the new leaf edge.  Lack of sun or nutrients?  No Cal Mag.... yet.
Plant #2 - Moruga
After flushing and fighting off most of the bugs.  It has not responded with any wilt or indication that it needs water.  So no water aside from a little shower it got this morning from a shower that passed through the area. (It hardly ever rains in SoCal in July, especially on the coast).   I did Foliar Spray it with seaweed extract a few days ago......

There is a little bit of new growth there which is hopeful.  Maybe If I ignore the plant it will do much better.   :high:
what is different from your other plants and this scotch bonnet? seems like your other plants are doing well.
not to give up just yet but it could be bad genetics. some plants just dont thrive and would naturally be culled in the wild. i have a manzano ive been trying keep alive for 2 years now and i think i am just prolonging the inevitable. 
Those little pods look like winter crop. Pea sized, no seeds.... If it were me, I'd pick all of those little ripe pods, give them a good, healthy dose of fertilizer next time it's time to water them, and then walk away and wait. They tend to perform best - in my experience n southeast Louisiana climate, anyway - when left alone to do their thing with little intervention. Treat for bugs when necessary, but other than that, your plants look pretty good. The next step is just waiting for them to perk up.
My scotch bonnet has had some struggles as well. It's about half the size of yours. I would hit it with a high nitrogen fertilizer. It's going to shed all of those sick leaves and bounce back eventually.
brownb4 said:
what is different from your other plants and this scotch bonnet? seems like your other plants are doing well.
not to give up just yet but it could be bad genetics. some plants just dont thrive and would naturally be culled in the wild. i have a manzano ive been trying keep alive for 2 years now and i think i am just prolonging the inevitable. 
Nothing different than the Fatali.  As far as I know they are the same age, planted in same medium, and are fed the same water.  I finally got some Cal Mag from the hydro store.  Gonna feed them and try to just let them go.  If they win they win. 
I just got back from some work travel.  I gave the wife watering instructions but she had so much to tend too she may have gotten carried away.  I returned to the scotch bonnet looking much worse, and 2 fat horn worms eating on the younger plants  :doh: oh well.  
I will probably pull the little pods off and see if the cal/mag big bloom fert combo feed helps it along any.  At least some of the other younger plants are starting to bloom and pod well.  :P   Will try to share some pics of those.  