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Need some help on this one

A very good friend of mine and fellow pepper grower received seeds from a vendor, that were...labeled incorrectly. Habaneros turned out to be what we think are yellow devils tongue, mustard Habaneros were white bullet Habaneros, etc...he ordered all of those things, they just came in the wrong packages. Here's a picture of what he thinks is the yellow devil's tongue and an unknown red pepper. Is this a red devil's tongue, naga viper, or something else? Is the yellow one actually a yellow devil's tongue? Any guidance would be great, we want to start deseeding some of these and don't want to label them incorrectly.


Edit...I don't know why the picture is showing upside down for me.  Here's the link if it's messed up.  http://i43.tinypic.com/15rk5uc.jpg
the red one looks like a bhut or bhut cross and the yellow one looks like Bonda ma Jacques
 the yellow one may be a true devils tongue but im not entirely sue,i seem to remember Devils tongue being smoother looking than that one there
im not sure I was of any help
thanks your friend Joe
Agreed with podpiper, don't assign actual names, and disseminate seeds as such, if you aren't reasonably sure. I'd stick with podpiper's naming idea, "yellow cross", or "red chinense #1".
The white bullet hab may be more obvious though.
And if the flavors weren't anything special, then perhaps don't grow them again, and start over with true seed.