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Need some help please...

I bought some datils since there a big hit over near the coast, and always wanted to try them. I sure have no clue what is going on with them. I have added cal mag, a lil pot ash, not much fertilizer, and they have fine drainage too, so any clues?

This one was a hot banana, but all of a sudden, it succumb to something too...

I am at a loss, never had these problems before...
Even my choco bhut that was red had 0 heat so what gives?
Looks like you got some bacterial leaf spots on your leaves. I have the same problem with a couple of plants, its because of all the rain over here. Not sure if thats the case with your plants?
Been like that from the start... I rarely water, and it has been a really dry year, I might hit up trice a week or so I have started another round of copper spray, last round a while ago did nothing.
I know it's not over watering, since when I plant things in the raised bed, it will be bone dry 6 inched down. here in Orlando it's hard to over water, everything is sand like at the beach. So what would be goot for iron? I still have a 5 gallon bucket of brake rotor shavings in the garage, guess a lil of that does wonders for the lawn. i guess I will spray some cal mag too since I already have some.
Just looked, the extension agency, does ph test for 2 bucks so I'm sure they can tell me more... gonna take a few samples down just to see what's going on and will be able to ammed for next season since it's probably too late this year.
Hey Tupperware, I grew about 10 plants, 6 habs, 2 thai chili and a few others peppers in Melbourne, FL. If you are in Orlando then believe me, you can't over water a pepper in that climate. I would water my peppers everyday or every other day and they grew and bloomed to almost 2 feet tall before I left them with a neighbor. I was growing in pots and you seem to be in the ground, which may let you water less. When it rained almost everyday for 2 weeks one pepper plant turned very very yellow like a banana. I refrained from watering and it greened up within two weeks.

Did you manually chop that pepper's stalk? Your soil looks wet in those pics so I would refrain from watering until the peppers leaves start to wilt and then water. That method works very well for cleaning up any bacteria poking around your plants.

Does that pepper get 24/7 sun? I lived right on the beach and my peppers would see 24/7 sun and they loved it. I also did not use any pesticide but I lived on the beach and there wasn't that many bugs compared to out in the woods.

I also went heavy on the tomato fertilizer. All this Cal-Mag and potash wish wash is an old wife's tale. I poured heavy tomato fertilizer until I saw pods, which I had over 150 pods per plant.

These methods might work for you since we have the same location. But I would avoid chopping plants stems in the future. I did that to a tomato and it just looked ugly.
Well the top was rotten and nasty, branches were shriveling from the ends and turning brown. They get full sun, and i had just watered earlier, usually it's plenty dry.