need some help sick plants

hello my chili head friends , i need some advice noticed last night 2 plants that had these spots on them , looks like top may had slowed growing this plant i had pruned the leaves off to get it to bush out . i do that with a certain amount of them .  never had this before . i sprayed the peach bhut down real good with triple action neem isolated it . but now to treat this one . any ideas ?
Try a copper fungicide or maybe H2O2...I had brown leaf spot and hydrogen peroxide stopped the spread of it.
i wouldn't flip out at the moment... you're more likely to damage them trying to treat what you THINK is an issue... than you are to preemptively fix an issue that probably isnt an issue at all.
wierd shit happens to leaves all the time. its impossible to tell if its a systemic issue or a single isolated issue without observing the problem area for a few days.
if its a fungal lesion or bacterial spot( i doubt it). let it manifest clearly... the spots should go totally necrotic and spread getting wider with a ring of semi necrotic tissue around it.
if its a powdery mildew( doubt it), you could rub it off with your hands once it sporulates... leaving visible shit on your fingers.
you might check it out under a microscope if you have one.
but wont it spread to my other plants? not really. not unless you have huge humidity issues, or you are keeping the leaves wet all the time.
your plants look vigorous and healthy. i wouldn't do anything  at all without observing them for a couple of days.
last pic is phosphate deficiency... which is rare considering how little pepper plants need.
what are you feeding these plants?
nutrient problems will not be localized to any single leaf... its important to recognize that. 
Your plants look really healthy welder.
It's good your keeping an eye early on.
Personally if I were you, on your next watering I would just lightly flush your soil with plain ph'd water, immediately after I would just go 1/4 half strength food. I would just flush the plants showing small issues.
Like others stated just keep an eye on your humidity as well.
Sulfur dust works really well for fungus / mildew on leaves as well, but growing in your house the wife might get pissed as it does smell like matches. If you watch your humidity it should not spread anymore, that is if it is some fungus issue.

Looking great so far!!
Peppers are fairly tough buggers.
My small container projects (semi-bonchi) are a year old now and have survived over/under water/ferts, mildew, bugs, and a couple rounds of chemical warfare.
Took them out yesterday and blasted them with a hose and a load of pyretherin, and all happy this morning.
meinchoh said:
Try a copper fungicide or maybe H2O2...I had brown leaf spot and hydrogen peroxide stopped the spread of it.
what ratio my friend ? did you spray the plants ? treat soil ? both ?
queequeg152 said:
i wouldn't flip out at the moment... you're more likely to damage them trying to treat what you THINK is an issue... than you are to preemptively fix an issue that probably isnt an issue at all.
wierd shit happens to leaves all the time. its impossible to tell if its a systemic issue or a single isolated issue without observing the problem area for a few days.
if its a fungal lesion or bacterial spot( i doubt it). let it manifest clearly... the spots should go totally necrotic and spread getting wider with a ring of semi necrotic tissue around it.
if its a powdery mildew( doubt it), you could rub it off with your hands once it sporulates... leaving visible shit on your fingers.
you might check it out under a microscope if you have one.
but wont it spread to my other plants? not really. not unless you have huge humidity issues, or you are keeping the leaves wet all the time.
your plants look vigorous and healthy. i wouldn't do anything  at all without observing them for a couple of days.
thanks my friend ! 
i would like to thank  everyone for the advice and feedback .   frank        :onfire:
What humidity levels do you maintain?
FWLIW, I had something that looked similar pop up during a particularly soupy stretch of monsoonal weather last summer.  I assume was some manner of fungus.  A few days later we got a nice blast of dry air.  (It was still bloody hot, but at least it was a 'dry heat!')  The spots vanished in a day or two.