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Need some help

Something is going on with my little ones, here are the pics, not what what is causing the curl and kinking. They got their first shot of 1/3 strength 10-15-10 a couple of days ago, this was happening before that i think. Any ideas?


I dont know for sure, but that soil looks awefully dry by the looks of that cracking and crusting look. Do the containers feel super light? Maybe there is no water in there?

What kind of soil is it? I dont know if that look is just surface dryness to me and their may be sufficient moisture under the surface for them or what? I know that certain soils when they become extremely dry will just let whatever water they recieve just pour right through without absorbing, im not sure if this is the case with your problem? Also on the otherhand i know its bad to give these plants too much water. So i dont want to tell you to water them until its determined that soil dryness may be the case.

they are in regular meraicle (sp?) grow. I usually bottom water and they are under CFLs so the very top sometimes gets crusty
Hmmm i dont know my friend. I never did any bottom watering with any of my seedlings. Were they in the bottom watering tray/pool long enuff to absorb water? And do those lil pots have ample holes for water to penetrate in and moisten the soil via capilarity? Im really not sure man. Can u notice a weight difference before and after bottom watering to ensure the proper amounts of water were absorbed?

Maybe someone with more expertise on the matter can help ya more.

Might not even be a watering issue at all.

Good luck
Looks to me to be a nutrient deficiency but I could be wrong. Try giving them a shot of some fish emulsion, bone meal fertilizer and sprinkle a little epsom salt in the soil. If you are worried about losing plants, try it on one and see if it improves. Should do the trick! :dance:
lol, everytime i try to look up anything plant related the first 20 pages are pot growers. Which is good when im at home cause they know what they are doing, but the internet filter at work doesn't really like those sites
Why are you feeding them so early? You may be OVER-fertilizing them. If you insist on fertilizing them, Miracle Grow, and most other soils, already have fertilizers in them. So, when you give them MORE fertilizer, its just WAY too much, especially for such a young plant.
You can tell when you need calcium if the plants stop growing and if young leaves start to pucker, they are running out of calcium to grow new leaves and you can do this by applying some bonemeal in the soil. Hope this helps!

Didn't I just say that??? :rofl:

BONEMEAL = Calcium
MAGNESIUM = Epsom salt

I do not profess to being a chile pepper growing expert. If you want to test it out on one to be sure without risking the other plants, then you should have minimal risk.
I'd be careful about soil feeding these plants with any fertilizer in their delicate condition. But, if you must feed them then just mist them with a little plant food mixed at about 1/2 strength every week or so until they get their strength back (shouldn't take long).

i've only given them 1/3 to 1/4 strength fert in bottom water ONCE. No signs of aphids. These plants are almost 2 months old them seem to of needed a little kick start. I don't think i when over board with the fert.
Didn't I just say that??? :rofl:

BONEMEAL = Calcium
MAGNESIUM = Epsom salt

I do not profess to being a chile pepper growing expert. If you want to test it out on one to be sure without risking the other plants, then you should have minimal risk.

Yes you did but when multiple people say the same thing..i believe that helps don't you. In addition, when someone tells me to "try this"..I would like to know what I am trying. You say use epson salt..perhaps he doesn't know what epson salt does for/to the plants...now he does.
Love the enthusiasm but come on guys. A lot of "looks like this but I could be wrong" and flat out guesses. Take a moment and explain why you came up with your responses, that's how we all learn. If you've seen this before and figured it out then share it, teach it. If you don't have a clue then don't guess, it just adds to the chaos.

I've had the same thing happen with some of my early plants and I stopped fertilizing them and they all straightened out within a few days. Like Hot Pooper said the Miracle Gro soil is already fertilized, the addition of any more fertilizer is probably more than the young plants can handle.

Good luck with them.
I've had the same thing happen with some of my early plants and I stopped fertilizing them and they all straightened out within a few days. Like Hot Pooper said the Miracle Gro soil is already fertilized, the addition of any more fertilizer is probably more than the young plants can handle.

+1 Patrick...I have had a similar symptom after using fertilizer on young plants...but never was really sure of the cause.