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Need some help

Why are you feeding them so early? You may be OVER-fertilizing them. If you insist on fertilizing them, Miracle Grow, and most other soils, already have fertilizers in them. So, when you give them MORE fertilizer, its just WAY too much, especially for such a young plant.
+1 This is why we often talk about using a soil with no additives - The plants look like they have to much Nitrogen which MG is full of. Lay off using additional ferts till they are in different soil or in the ground.
Thanks for the advice guys, they were in seed starter for the first 1.5 months and really didn't seem to be growing at all. Is there a "transition soil" inbetween seed starter and final mix?
Well, thanks for your vote of confidence Patrick. I'm sorry I didn't explain my response (although enthusiastically) enough for you. I never suggested using nitrogen fertilizer since peppers in general are sensitive to N-fertilizers. I looked at the pictures and saw puckered leaves which we all know is a possible sign of Calcium deficiency (result = add bonemeal) and magnesium is known to strengthen seedlings and prevent leaf curl (result = add epsom salt). Since I do not claim to be a horticulturalist, I suggested these nutrient additions to a few seedlings so if I was wrong, there would be minimal loss. I apologize if my explanation wasn't to your liking but I'm sure you can fill in the details.
Come on now guys....am I gonna hafta put ya'll nose to nose? :eek:
I cant explain exactly why too much nitrogen does what it does to plants. All I know is that our babies dont like too much of it. Like Lucky said, making your own soil, or buying some with no ferts in it makes SURE that the plants ONLY get what YOU want them to have.
I re-pot my plants once they get their 3rd true's. At that time, I put them in my own mix, which DOES include a top soil made by Sta Green. (Its exactly like MG, just a couple bucks cheaper.) But, it's such a small amount, they get the tiny bit of nitrogen they need. They actually get MOST of their ferts from the manure. But yet again, its not the biggest ingredient in my soil. Peat moss is. It's your babies best friend. This year I'll be going to Pro Mix IF the ONE Ace Hardware around here can get it shipped in. If not, then its back to my own again this year.
The best reason for having a soil with no ferts in it is because IF you have a problem, like the one you are having now, you can try one thing at a time to see if it helps the plants. If you didnt, you would be throwing in a mix of different nutes, possibly going OVER board with one or more. Kinda like one step forward, two steps back, you know?
Im no expert by ANY means. I like to keep things as simple as I can. When you can learn which ferts do what, and how your plants react to each individual one, you will be a MUCH better grower, and will have AWESOME plants with TONS of pods. Know what I mean?
NICE job POOPER - I typically dont soil fertilize when they are in their temp pots I foliar spray and water from the bottom regularly with occasional dose of Super Thrive. I am more concerned of setting a good base before building my Pepper Death Tower - Muhahahaha muhahahaha muhahahaha
Pepper Death Tower :hell:

Like I like to preach, whats cool about this stuff is they're only plants. If they die, you can plant more. It gives you the freedom to try different stuff. The biggest advice that anyone can give anyone on here (in MY opinion) is that what works for one person may not work for another. Thats why I think growers have their own STYLES. You have to custom tailor what you do to YOUR plants. Just try something. If that doesnt work, keep trying things until one works. But only do them one at a time, or you will be defeating the purpose. Know what I mean, Vern?