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Need suggestions for Paprika peppers, sweet and/or mild

We like to dry, or smoke and dry, paprika peppers for powder. I didn't grow any this year and our supply is running low. I'd like to hear what some of your favorites are.
i have seeds for both and
are very good peppers for this application Love the ALMA!!

thanks your friend Joe
We like to dry, or smoke and dry, paprika peppers for powder. I didn't grow any this year and our supply is running low. I'd like to hear what some of your favorites are.
Hi Guy
I haven't grown a large number of paprikas yet, but this past year I grew the Chimayo chiles from New Mexico, which I am told are a variety of paprika. This spring I'm going to add Almapaprika and a variety from Hungary that's similar to the Kalocsa (if not the same). I really liked the Chimayo... it was sweet, aromatic and mildly hot. I live in zone 5 and this pepper was the first to ripen in my garden... the last one standing when things started to cool off too.
Finally, we have electricity and internet, without either for 16 hours. Who would of thought Cleveland would be hit hard by Sandy. Anyway...

i have seeds for both and
are very good peppers for this application Love the ALMA!!

thanks your friend Joe


Yes, I grew Alma about 6 years ago, I'll have to see if I have any seeds left and do a test germination. I remember the flavor as excellent but not prolific, could have been an off year for them. I'll give them a shot again. Zolton I'm not familiar with, I'll have to look into those. You say you have seeds for both of these for sale? I'll have to check out your offerings. Thanks.

Hi Guy
I haven't grown a large number of paprikas yet, but this past year I grew the Chimayo chiles from New Mexico, which I am told are a variety of paprika. This spring I'm going to add Almapaprika and a variety from Hungary that's similar to the Kalocsa (if not the same). I really liked the Chimayo... it was sweet, aromatic and mildly hot. I live in zone 5 and this pepper was the first to ripen in my garden... the last one standing when things started to cool off too.


I concur on the Chimayo, I've grown it the last 2 years, the first to ripen both years and great flavor. Somehow I screwed up and only ended up with 1 plant this year, guess I gotta quit drinking when seed starting and transplanting, LOL...I did manage to pick and dry a few this year. Next year I'll plant considerably more of them.

As far as Kalocsai, I've grown Kalocsai v-2, it is different than Chimayo. Kalocsai v-2 is a litter larger, a little hotter but with a similar great flavor. I'll have to put that one on next years grow list as well, especially for saving fresh seed. Thanks for the suggestion guys.
Pimenta de Espelette is good http://en.wikipedia....spelette_pepper I have some powder(store bought) but I don't have seeds. You can find the seeds online or maybe Joe will have them.
sorry i do not have pimenta de espelle but i hear tell they make good paprika

i also would recommend KRIMSON LEE i happen to have seeds for this one too
its a larger chile not very hot and a touch sweet

thanks your friend Joe
Pimenta de Espelette is good http://en.wikipedia....spelette_pepper I have some powder(store bought) but I don't have seeds. You can find the seeds online or maybe Joe will have them.

Lando, that is another I have grown in the past and have saved seed from, though not isolated. I'll have to check my inventory. Thanks!

sorry i do not have pimenta de espelle but i hear tell they make good paprika
i also would recommend KRIMSON LEE i happen to have seeds for this one too
its a larger chile not very hot and a touch sweet

thanks your friend Joe


Krimson Lee sounds like something I'd be interested in, sweet with a bit of heat. Thanks.

Lando and Joe,

PM me if you want some seed of Pimenta de Espelette, Keep in mind the blossoms were not isolated. Sorry folks, not a general offer. If I have more seed than I think I'll post it for trade.
This coming season will be my first time growing Paprikas. This is what I got: http://www.tradewindsfruitstore.com/servlet/the-378/Paprika-Pepper-Seeds--dsh-/Detail