neem oil,and when to fert

Hey neighbor, whatcha spraying neem to control? With the heat right now I would not be folar feeding at all. Too big a risk to torch the plants.
Wait? I usually add the ferts to my neem solution! Two birds with one stone plus the neem acts as a wetter/sticker. ;)

What woody3says says (says says :lol:) though. Be very careful foliar anything when it's hot.
I did it at night,and it was dry by morning. I either have a horrible bird hunter who lurks at night,or some kind of bug. Several of my plants have lots of tiny tiny holes,and It's been about a month and a half since I last used it. So I figured it was time. I've never had issues before using it at a proper time in the past,but then again this is my first year with super hots. Only one of the plants has this showing on the super hots. So I don't want it to make a buffet,whatever it is....

Or maybe its just taken a like'n to my eggplant and bells?

and HOLA woody!!
I make 2 gallons at a time

2 TBSP neem

1-1.5 TBSP mild detergent

1-2 Cups Scorpion juice

I found the need to treat top and bottom leaves every 5-10 days dusk treatment only

Then once every 7 to 10 (more often if leaf spot shows up) days 2 gallons of H202 mix with Epsom Salt mixed in. for soil and foliar treatment.

since I live in a virtual swamp the critters hit hard if you don't keep up the treatments.
Ferts get applied with every other H202 treatment
Thank you for the response Prehensile!

Ya I know all about the FL summer. My brother lives in Jax Beach,and my uncle, aunt live in West Palm. Sticky sticky,and those bugs!!! Boo that noise lol