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Nee's first pepper season. (Australia) Pics, vids & banter.. yey! \\(^o^)//

Hi all! Although i've been into hot sauces / chillies for a long time, a Google regarding "growing chillies in Australia" led me to this site......and onto amazing people here in Australia, who have inspired me to grow my own!
There's not a lot to report as of yet, but here's my story so far! Please feel free to give advice to a newbie, as i really want this human vs chilli relationship to work out!

The story so far....

Pre-soaking my chilli seeds. I have 14 or more varieties to sow: From top left to bottom right....

Habanero Chocolate
Scotch Bonnet TFM
Bhut Jolokia
Pimenta da Neyde
Magnum Habanero
7 Pod Jonah

Habanero White Giant
Hot Fish
Cili Goronong
7 Pod Red crossed Yellow
Habanero White JellyBean


Cutting the seeds from a Yellow 7 Pod....this time with GLOVES!! lol I have a load of extra seeds saved...just in case the winter grow doesn't work out, and i need to replant in the spring.


Week 1....seeds are in a propagator, kept at a constant 25 degree's thanks to the cable modem it's sat on! I don't expect any change for 4 weeks or so....fingers crossed!
Hey Neil,

those mini greenhouses are pretty cool. I have 3 of them, only issue I had with them was the wind.

With the water in the bucket, just be careful with the humidity levels in there - I had a few buckets of water inside mine and had the fronts shut and found the humidity went through the roof.

I opted for a aluminium greenhouse from ebay (2.4 x 3.2 x 2.25) - cost about $350. Took a good 10 hours to assemble, but was definitely worth it.
I bought a cheap $99 one from bunnings. There were boxes of them stacked out on a pallet in the nusery section in the rain. Got it home and put it together..... cheap cheap cheap cheap. The poles kept come out of their shelves and to hold it down in the wind I had to sit it on a wooden pallet and cable tie it down. The wind still started ripping the plastic out of its seams at the corners and the door. I tried a lot of things to keep it together, like rope, cable ties and bricks to weigh it down. It wasn't even that windy either. Just poor quality rubbish.

There was a tiny bit of rust powder on the inside of the poles so I took it back and got a full refund for it being damaged. There wasn't a whole heap of surprise on the face of the clerk when I brought it back. I think she was used to it :P

Wasted a good three or four days going above and beyond what you should just to get it to stay together. It was about three times the size of yours in this post

Would have been awesome if it had been up to scratch. Was going to put shadecloth over the top and rig up reticulation drippers inside too. :mope:
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Hey Neil,

those mini greenhouses are pretty cool. I have 3 of them, only issue I had with them was the wind.

With the water in the bucket, just be careful with the humidity levels in there - I had a few buckets of water inside mine and had the fronts shut and found the humidity went through the roof.

I opted for a aluminium greenhouse from ebay (2.4 x 3.2 x 2.25) - cost about $350. Took a good 10 hours to assemble, but was definitely worth it.

Yeah, they're great for the money aren't they? I dont expect it to last past one grow season though....lol But you never know, it may surprise me!
In the long term i think i'll be looking for a greenhouse, but with a son playing basketball in the back garden constantly, now is probably not the right time!
As for the buckets of water: they are now buckets of bricks :)

Apparently we're meant to be getting some bad winds over the next 24 hours, so i've sandwiched the teeny greenhouse between some garden chairs and our full 'green bin'...lol Should be right!!?

I bought a cheap $99 one from bunnings. There were boxes of them stacked out on a pallet in the nusery section in the rain. Got it home and put it together..... cheap cheap cheap cheap. The poles kept come out of their shelves and to hold it down in the wind I had to sit it on a wooden pallet and cable tie it down. The wind still started ripping the plastic out of its seams at the corners and the door. I tried a lot of things to keep it together, like rope, cable ties and bricks to weigh it down. It wasn't even that windy either. Just poor quality rubbish
There was a tiny bit of rust powder on the inside of the poles so I took it back and got a full refund for it being damaged. There wasn't a whole heap of surprise on the face of the clerk when I brought it back. I think she was used to it :P

Wasted a good three or four days going above and beyond what you should just to get it to stay together. It was about three times the size of yours in this post

Would have been awesome if it had been up to scratch. Was going to put shadecloth over the top and rig up reticulation drippers inside too. :mope:

Hi MM..
Yeah, i did spot one of those on Ebay / Amazon, but read the reviews and decided to give it a miss. Something small and plastic may work (for a while) but those larger ones being so flimsy is asking for trouble, and when i looked at the pic i couldn't help but imaging trying to track it down in a neighbours yard after the first gust of wind :)
OK....on to other todays events!

After coming home from work yesterday and finding a load of tragedy had occurred in the mi-nee greenhouse, with wilted and burnt leaves galore.....i managed to get home today for lunch as i had a few jobs near home for a change, and was really pleased to see that the shade cloth over the greenhouse had made a heap of difference. Even though it was 4 degrees hotter today, the plants seemed to have recovered since yesterdays episode, so i pulled the bad leaves off and things don't look quite as bad as i first thought, which is a huge bonus!

Here's a shot of the shade cloth cover i made to go over the mi-nee greenhouse. I managed to cut and paste it together pretty swift as i only had about 20 minutes of light before the evening set in!


Here's a couple of shots from inside the greenhouse today...looking so much better than how i remembered it yesterday.

Top shelf took the worst hit...


Lower shelves are doing fine :)


I had an amazing score earlier!! I was doing some repairs in a new retirement village that is being constructed nearby, and whilst there i spotted a heap of black plastic pots next to one of the units. I asked the building supervisor who was there and he said to help myself, as they were ditched there by the landscapers who were planting trees and shrubs and they were only going to chuck them away!!! I got about 10 MASSIVE ones, some BIG ones...and a heap of smaller ones. There are still a load of what i would call 'first potting-up' size left there, which i might go back and grab in the next day or 2. Pretty stoked as the 'massive' ones i bagged today go for around $15+ each in the hardware stores here.

Lots of Pots


Finally, here's a few general shots of the rest of the plants outside the back door. They're probably no different than what i've already posted before...but i can't help taking shots..lol So i may as well post them eh!?

Spotted a bee around the plants today. He was in there a good 30 minutes, so i hope he stopped by my flowers whilst he was there :)


First Mag Hab growing bigger..


Macedonian and others..





Cheers all :)
HI Nee
Kind of a :censored: that you had that bit of a fry in your mi-Nee greenhouse, but nice save! It seems like a kind of tightwire act to stretch the season with plastic covers and such, but it paid me big dividends this season, and hope it does you proud too. Cheers
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Nice mini and the shade cloth is a must. You can always strip the damaged leaves off the plant, let the plant put its energy in the new growth. Nice find with the nursery pots...they can be expensive. The Hab plant looks like its ready to explode with pods.
Have fun with your garden...

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Hey Neil, shame about the plants.

In regards to the wilting, I've found when I move my guys from environment to environment (lounge room to under light in other room) they wilt for the first day or so. They just need to adjus to the new environment.

Probalby didn't help that it was super hot yesterday too. But, try and get some air circulation in that little mini greenhouse.

How did the plants go last night in the wind???? oh man, I was up at 1am checking on my greenhouse in the back yard - thought the wind would have blown it away for sure.

But, it was standing there as strong as ever. (I used a stack of bricks on the outside and inside to hold the frame in place).

I think this season I will be putting all my plants outside in the sun in a large planter box, not necessarily all in the greenhouse. When you start looking into getting a large greenhouse send me an email and i'll send you the link I used for mine.

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hahaha!!! Many thanks for the Birthday Greets everyone!! Feeling slightly older right now, but not enough to worry about (yet!) :)
Well....all of my plants are chugging along nicely out in the back porch and mini greenhouse. I'm going to give them an hour stint outside this weekend if the sun decides to pop out, which i'm sure it will :)

For the past 6 weeks or so i have been sowing / re-sowing more seeds in Jiffy pellets, but have only had one or 2 pop out, so i decided to give this stuff a try instead of Jiffy pellets.....


It's 'just add water' type stuff, and was so cheap (under $2 from memory) compared to Jiffy pellets (roughly $13 for 36 pellets) so i was dubious.....but WOW!!!!! I have had 6 pop out within 2 days, the first of which was pretty amazing, as i checked to see if anything was popping before work, and there was nothing there....but by the time i returned home 8 hours later there was one of my Bishops Crowns at least an inch tall!!! No idea whats in this (well, i guess i could read the packaging better..lol) but my seeds seem to be going mad in it.

Here's a couple of shots of todays noobs. Again, there was nothing at the start of today, and when i got home there were 5..all nearly an inch tall!



I'm not overly worried, but one of the pods on my Macedonian has some sort of black mark on it......wondered if anyone can help identify what it might be?

It's just a mark, and not a hole....the picture doesn't really show it too well. But if it's a case of 'get it off the plant before it affects the other pods' then i will do....but if it's nothing to worry about i'll leave it be.


I had a great idea for my plants when they go outside, but i want to construct it first just to make sure it's going to work.....i'll post pics as and when i do :) It's on the same level as my patented 'vertical nursey....hahahahah

Sorry, i know thats almost as annoying as when a Facebook friend posts "wow, i've just had the most amazing thing happen just now" and then doesn't follow it up....lol...

More soon :)
I like photo #2................ "From Garden to Kitchen"...........or let's just say ...................."Your Garden Cook's"
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Man, I been soooo slack on keeping update-to-date on everybody's glogs this year. I didn't even know you had one up, nee! :lol:

Looking good, mate! Plants looking good. Even got some poddies coming through now! :dance:

Nice score on the pots too. Saved yourself a fortune if you had planned to buy pots from hardware store/Bunnings/etc.

Whaddaya got the wife out there mowing?? Ya bum! :rofl:

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Nice one Nee, belated birthday greets.

Im not having great sucsess with jiffys to be honest, ive switched back to paper towel with the dome jobbies over the top & then in to seed raising mix.

Remember them Bhuts i planted the day after you in jiffys? i had two more sprout this week. LoL

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Whaddaya got the wife out there mowing?? Ya bum! :rofl:

HAHAH!!!! I was wondering if anyone would spot that!! You have a keen eye Gas.....lol

The deal was, if i did the front lawn (big and loads of annoying bush things to mow around) then she would do the back lawn (smaller and relatively easy in comparison)
To be honest I saw the lady in question but thought it was your grandma or something with a walking frame coming from the nanny flat asking why your spending all your time with your chillies and ignoring her. ;)
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Oh, and does anyone have anything regarding the black spot on the pod in the pic above? Just want to know whether to pull it or just let it be. I'm guessing its just where water has been on the pod and maybe got sunburned to make that spot? Sound about right?

To be honest I saw the lady in question but thought it was your grandma or something with a walking frame coming from the nanny flat asking why your spending all your time with your chillies and ignoring her. ;)

hahaha!!!! I won't repeat that one to her!! Funny enough though, she is in fact mowing in front of the granny flat we have in the back yard.... that was a good guess eh!?