Nemesis are back

I was inspecting my plants today and noticed a tiny yellow thrip in one of my brown scotch bonnet's crevices. I have been battling a mild whitefly infestation and now this. These guys basically wiped out almost all my plants some time back. They never recovered. This time around my plants are much better than before and I plan to defeat my nemesis. Plants have 86 days since sowing.

This is a pic of the whiteflies, same leaf top and bottom


it was on this red fatalii plant. Some leaves are getting a bit yellowish. other than than it looks ok.

check out the bottom leaf with yellow spots

Some leafs have tiny yellow specs which i assume are juvie thrips.
Also I found this guy on the back of a leaf, good guy, bad guy or neither?

How are these best controlled? I recently switched from bottom watering to regular. does this play any part in thrips infestation? 
I am about to blast them with sevine ready-to-use, before things get out of hand. anyone have experience with sevin spray?
Also, I ordered some azamax to have something else to rotate and blast them with.
I don't think top or bottom watering has anything to do with thrips. I'm not positive, but I don't think it does. I know it's a factor in damping off, and fungus gnats.

There are many organic sprays for thrips..neem oil, safer brand soap sprays and such. But I have used the sevin rtu spray before as a last ditch effort for aphids and hornworms. Does it work?.....Well it killed them, and quite fast. I try not to use such harsh chemicals, but they were literally destroying the majority of my plants.
still have these suckers around. The sevin did not work, neither did some ladybugs I bought, so i'm trying azamax. Sprayed once about 2 days ago will spray and drench again every 3 days.
They are mostly seen on the peppers and new growth.


If the azamax doesnt work I dont know what im going to do.. 
spray bottoms with neem oil/soap then throw diatomaceous earth everywhere on the plant
space your plants out to encourage spiders
My plants are fairly close together and I get plenty of spiders and I'll see a praying mantis every couple of weeks. The spiders are literally everywhere though.
So I think I finally got something that seems to work on ridding the thrips I have been fighting, spinosad. I sprayed today late afternoon and as of now there are minimal thrips I can see and the ones I do see are not moving, so hopefully I'm on the right path. 
Now having said that, my plants have taken a beating from the thrips and whiteflies. Here they are.
7 pod Primo

congo yellow

Red Fatalii

on this last fatalii the peppers are kind of small and not changing colors. should I take them off and hope the plant produces new ones or keep these and see what happens?
assuming I got rid of the thrips, will my plants bounce back?