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JUST RECIEVED A BUCKet plant Nepenthes ventrata. if anyone has any info on growing or total care of this plant please post and help me out. I Know near to nothing about this plant any help would be great.
two of the pitchers aren't doing very well but just pruned (after this pic)
in a good location for some sun, we'll see how she does.
I seem to have a little buddy who just loves it in the pitcher plants pot
he's very happy in theyre gonna let him stay. have figured out a name yet:)
I bought one this year at HD -- That is a beautiful specimen from what I understand just keep the soil moist and it will take of itself if transporting it the water comes out of the "cups" you can put about 1-2" back in. I read a very weak mixture of Miracid willl help feed it as well. But Id wait till Iggy or Stillmanz chimes in they seem to quite a bit about them.
Yep, pitcher plants are awesome. Keep the soil moist and you'll be fine. Also, stick a stick in there and tie the plant lightly to it, they climb.
I wasnt aware they climb -- I saw mine getting taller and that it just would grow so tall and stop -- cool
luckydog and igg you guys have same picture thing? kinda confusing anyways.
good tip on the stick anyways theyre is a rack right above the vines seem to be reaching for it so will be cool to see if it will wrap all around it. i also have some little bucket forming. I hope these guys will eat aphids I got plenty to feed em if soo:) Frog is gone he must not have liked the pruning job i did oh well. I wish i could cook with these somehow:) do these do ok with high winds?
Noshownate said:
good tip on the stick anyways theyre is a rack right above the vines seem to be reaching for it so will be cool to see if it will wrap all around it. i also have some little bucket forming. I hope these guys will eat aphids I got plenty to feed em if soo:) Frog is gone he must not have liked the pruning job i did oh well. I wish i could cook with these somehow:) do these do ok with high winds?
They aren't exactly like vines per say, they just wedge themselves into nooks and crannies of large tropical trees. Hence why tieing them to a stick is recomended. Tallest one I saw was about 7 feet.

I would keep them out of high winds, all the digestive enzimes (or Nepenthis Drool as we CPers like to call it) will be tossed out of the pitchers. As for cooking, I've heard that the digestive efluid tastes sweet like honey...but I've never had the guts to try it.

Noshownate said:
luckydog and igg you guys have same picture thing? kinda confusing anyways.
Yep, fun times :lol:

Uh oh we've been discovered ;)
Time for Plan B
Eek! Scrap plan B and just go straight to Plan 9!
I have:high: winds if you follow me. soo i might have to hang it next to A WALL to keep the drool from coming out. drinking that stuff oh god the ones i have have bees n ants nasty. might get the ballz someday, I need to get some orchid stuff this is my first orchid style i guess plant. just from the past two days i have had it it has grwn significaNTly. I'm Gonna try n get two cones off this plant and gift them to acouple people who want one. anyother tips would be cool. thanx iggy or lucky or.. is lucky from a parrel reality in a nother dimension?
Noshownate said:
I have:high: winds if you follow me. soo i might have to hang it next to A WALL to keep the drool from coming out. drinking that stuff oh god the ones i have have bees n ants nasty. might get the ballz someday, I need to get some orchid stuff this is my first orchid style i guess plant. just from the past two days i have had it it has grwn significaNTly. I'm Gonna try n get two cones off this plant and gift them to acouple people who want one. anyother tips would be cool. thanx iggy or lucky or.. is lucky from a parrel reality in a nother dimension?

Lucky is from the Mirror Mirror universe. His avatar has a goatee, but you just can't see it.