Nepotism Pays

My wife is a professional winemaker, and a pretty good one at that; she has won a dozen medals at international competitions between two different wineries. She often gets asked to judge local and statewide home winemaker competitions and professional competitions.

For some reason, many of the local organizers ask me to judge also - which I never turn down because it's a night of free drinking. Bear in mind, my only qualification as a judge is that I'm married to her and I drink a lot of wine - both quantity and variety.

I'll badger her for information and try to help answer any questions I can...
I would love to judge a wine competition, I certainly drink enough of it to know what I like.
The problem is that every time I taste a wine that is supposed to be "Really good" I start thinking that with a litle olive oil, this might make a passable Vinaigrette!
I like a wine low in acid and high in fruit, oh, and high in alcohol too.
I shall stick to "judging" my own creations I think.