Little about the Chilliman,
I have come from a commodities trade background. Have been an avid grower breeding my own chillis for years and have a Cert in Horticulture - Modern Technology.
I have dealt with FMCG & raw foods trade. Which relates to my chilli trade now....
I guess I wanted to chase chilli seeds all over the world .... its a good excuse to travel.
Little about the company:
This is a new venture into the seed packing industry. The company has lofty goals that will be meet over the coming months. Such as setup of small nursery. And MULTIPLE Chilli Brands, buying groups etc
The current web page is temp untill my web chap is finished the main site....
Due to the mass amount of content it is taking longer than thought!
I have only had it up for 4 days.(16.3.09) - and should get our new one up late next week !
We plan to run both sites: - will be W`sale and trade related , may have branding and sauces to start. - will be our retail store ! Brands sauces, etc
I made the site so i hope it is comfortable. ( i am just learning !)... I have not even got logos together yet !
Please be patient I will be posting progress...
a testimonal from here ! in my welcome thread !
dreamboat said:
Hi Chilliman,
I have already bought some seeds from you (epay)! Great service and a good price - and a nice selection to go with it.
I hope that they grow well, but I will not be planting them for a few months now.
- New arrivals - 18/3/09
Dorset Naga

- w`sale avalible -
Naga Morich

Trinadad Scorpion !!!

Updated site....
Anybody who is intrested in a EXCHANGE of any of the following from my personal garden!! ;
Scotch Bonnett red - PURE ( most fav )
Oragne Habernero - cross breeded by me with cooler Numex - still hot
Red cayenne - PURE
Jelapeno - PURE
Thai Birds eye small- PURE
Brizilian Hot- Crossed with a varity - yummy
Goat Horn- my 2nd fav at moment eat them like carrots.
FOR anything intresting & HOT !
please PM me or POST