New cayenne pods are turning orange while being a cm long...

The new wave of pods on my cayenne plant are turning orange starting from bottom to top. They are so tiny, so I assume that there is a problem. What is going on here? 


Also, the new growth on my cayenne plant is looking unhealthy. It looks like it's drying up and shrivelling a bit even though the older parts of the plant are healthy looking. (pic below)
That plant is severely stressed (aka dying). Looks like a one of the "wilt" diseases at first glance. Could also be unintentional herbicide/chemical exposure. Isolate that plant from the rest of the population.
A plant's purpose is to reproduce. When they are stressed or dying, the pods will often ripen prematurely because only seeds from ripe pods are viable. 
Every year, at the end of the season I get pods ripening prematurely. It's as if the plants know their days are numbered, so they do what they have to do to make viable seeds to reproduce. 
That's my simple-minded unscientific theory anyways.
edit: Oops! I was reading a thread about black spots right before this one, and commented on both in this post.  :banghead:  Haha
Oh wow this is bad news. How can I save it?? Should I give it more water immediately?

Also, there are 2 cayenne plants in that 10 gal and they are both doing the same.
Looks like you also have a leafcutter bee problem.


I wouldn't really call it a problem though  I guess because they are considered the world's most efficient pollinators.