New Drama - Carbonero

A cross is considered unstable until at least the 4th or 5th generation of growing true, correct?

quote name="CheriLBW" post="1249522" timestamp="1450555957"]Each generation must be fully isolated to insure no outside crossing occurs during each generation?[/quote]

quote name="CheriLBW" post="1249522" timestamp="1450555957"]I used to raise show quality Muscovy ducks.[/quote]

HPLC testing has just revealed that Cheri and A.J. Drew are, in fact, the same person.

D3monic said:
I've only just started growing out some of my f1's but it was no where near as easy as I thought it would be. I had several dozen crosses not take at all.
Yeah. There's more to it than one realizes at first. And the thing is, if you really want to make the most of a cross, you want to grow out as many plants as you can manage. There's no telling what that hundred and first plant is going to do.
quote name="CheriLBW" post="1249522" timestamp="1450555957"]But then again, who knows, I might just let a arse ton of f2 seeds go and have a community grow where we collectively select a desired pheno.[/quote]

Good idea.
I always wanted to get into cross breeding peppers. Not entirely sure what it entails as the only cross breeding ive done is between GMO corn at a seed plant.Trying to get that corn drought resistant. Maybe ill start looking into some articles. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
A couple suggestions to avoid the stupid levels of drama we've seen in the last few years:

1. keep the parents secret.
2. don't share seed.
3. if you do either of the first two, don't get mad when some big name gets a hold of the seed, and makes a mint by giving them a name, and selling them.

I personally would think it was cool for someone to take something I made, and sell it. I would be annoyed by anyone who would try to take credit for creation if they hadn't... but cest la vie I guess.
I said this on one of the reaper threads, but want to expand by telling you about my neighbor's pulling tractor.  Thing cost him a fortune to build.  Then he had to buy a double axle trailer to haul it to the tractor pulls.  Of course he quickly learned he needed a bigger truck.  He couldnt afford to have two trucks, so now he gets to and from work in a gas guzzler big enough to haul that monster tractor of his.  He does not farm.  He doesnt even grow a garden.  The only thing that big ass tractor does other than go the the tractor pulls is to pull my little tractor out the mud now and then.

I asked him if there is any money in tractor pulls.  Nope, the prizes are tiny compared to the expense.  So you do it for the trophy?  That and the bragging rights.

Not commenting on the particular pepper at all.  Nor the people involved.  Just the weirdness of people renaming peppers created by others.

Maybe I am ignorant of the seed business.  Been seed saving and trading for maybe a decade, but only started selling last year.  Seems to me that the cost of growing in isolation and the labor of growing, harvesting, drying, cleaning, counting, packaging, and shipping doesn't make it a hugely profitable business.  Sure, if you happen to get the latest title holder you will have shit tons of sales that year.  But over all, I really dont see the dollar signs some folk seem to see.

So I gotta figure other than the innate reward of looking at a thing (tractor or new pepper) and saying ye baby, I did that.  Other than the reward that comes with creating something, the main thing a person gets is bragging rights.  Thing is, if you are gonna take credit for someone elses creation those bragging rights can not possibly be all that rewarding.

Look at the new tractor I stole.  Nope, doesnt seem fulfilling at all.
Wicked Mike said: "HPLC testing has just revealed that Cheri and A.J. Drew are, in fact, the same person."

Imagine an Arnold Swartzeneger accent: "I am me"

A while ago someone joined me to chili wars, pepper wars, or something like that.  Replied to a few things and someone decided i was a facade for Ed Curry.  I was like, no I am me.  Then someone decided I was a facade for Jim Duffy.  I was like, no I am me.  The two, Ed Curry and Jim Duffy seemed at odds with each other.  If I said something supporting one, the other's fan club insisted I was a facade for that person.

It was very, very odd.
Can you post links to all pages please? The Sherwood page I found is showing for sale items only (unless it's a mobile Facebook app problem)
ok so nvm on the link, i went and read the thread and comments... wow and ill i can say is i regret buying those damn apocalypse red seeds from him... oh well live and learn i guess...
Redman, on facebook the most drama comes from a group called either Pepper Wars or Chili wars.  It is a closed and secret group.  You have to be invited.  I got invited, hung out for a week, and lost the rest of my mind.  I finally got booted when I took great issue with the spreading of the rumor that StandandFire (member here) and Ed Curry ripped off Wounded Warrior charity with Chocolate Plague hot sauce.  Nobody would put up any proof what so ever.

If you want to watch the insanity, do follow some of the nutty facebook forums.  But I really think you would enjoy that time more here at THP.  Sure folk occasionally spat.  Been there done that myself.  But overwhelmingly the members here are wildly helpful and supportive of each other.

Here at THP have had hot sauce company owners give me help researching the manufacture of hot sauce.  Have had seed sellers trade seed stock.  Have had other growers help me to grow.  It is an amazing place.  Hell, last time I was in the hospital I got a prayer card from someone here.  Not like I said what hospital I was in.  The person had to go to my facebook account, find my wife's account and read it there.

yeah being my second day on THP, i cant get enough of it...  i dont mind the drama, just leave me or my friends out of it...  one thing that bothers me is when ppl dont give credit where it is due.. 
Rebman, look forward to the made up drama here.  You know, when people start to screw with you in good humor. 