new from South Africa

Hi everyone, have been enjoying reading the forums, and decided to join, so thought I'd quickly introduce myself.
I'm Kali from Cape Town, RSA. It's midsummer here right now, and my chillies are blooming and fruiting like mad, at last.
I intend scouring the recipe pages for ways to preserve the (slightly excessive - in my household of 2, I am the only one who enjoys them) crop.
Welcome from Fort Worth, Texas
Welcome Kali from Alaska. It's definately not pepper growing season in my end of the world!

Tell us what you have blooming over there? Any pics?
a mixed bag

thanks everyone for the welcome messages.
The known ones are cayenne, habanero (first time, do they always grow so slowly!), peter pepper and one limon (still babies)and jalapeno.
then there are the unknown species from fruit bought at veggie shop. One type grows into a small tree, my oldest one is 3, it is small rounded and pointy on one end upright growing fruit that goes from green to dark almost black to red, very hot, it looks like a Beslers cherry
no idea whether it is.
and a few other oddities including one with nice big long fruit which was quite mild last year, but pretty hot this year, as well as a supposed sweet pepper which bore about one insignificant fruit last year, but is now full of hot fruit similar in shape to jalapeno but bigger. I have also tried to grow peppadews from bought fruit, but not sure what it will produce yet. There is something strange going on in my garden...

Think I will post some pics if I can find an appropriate forum for identification requests!
Kali said:
Hi everyone, have been enjoying reading the forums, and decided to join, so thought I'd quickly introduce myself.
I'm Kali from Cape Town, RSA. It's midsummer here right now, and my chillies are blooming and fruiting like mad, at last.
I intend scouring the recipe pages for ways to preserve the (slightly excessive - in my household of 2, I am the only one who enjoys them) crop.
Welcome from TN
Hello from Oklahoma and welcome to a great bunch of folks. There is so much info here I even don't have a chance to ask they just jump in there and fill my brain with it. joe