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New Game! Fill in the blank!

he says to NJA, "Next time check to make sure she wiped because you have some brown stuff on your chin!" NJA just loves himself some _____________ pudding.
ars and also on his butt. This was because Darthpepper had added Ghost pepper powder in lotion .. Nate got wild and angry at NJA's condition so he ________________________----
called one of his favorite 900 numbers. After paying only $9.99 for the first minute, and $3.99 for each additional minute, Nate gave the phone to NJA so he could call _____ and ask their advice on how to get rid of his rash, and also how to____________________
For help and ask their advice on how to get rid of his rash, and also how to get even with Darth using Thai infected Therapy. This wicked_______________
He would, however, end up paying for "services" that most people get for free. Unlike Nate, who usually makes money on the side for using his _____ as a __________________
tool as a slave to houries who roam the dark allies of Cairo and Beijing . With Rotten intentions, Nate and Dart teamed up to ___________________
get the fock out of there. Running for the door to make a fast getaway was Nate and as he opened the door it was a portal to another world where ________________