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pests New Garden Pest Species! Labrapepperhead!

I thought I'd share my latest mishap with you'll. It seems I'm not the only pepperhead in my house anymore:lol: I've been wondering how some of my peppers have been missing leaves lately and I caught the perpetrator in action. Apparently my labarador pup is a likes to nibble away at my peppers!

Here's a shot of one my Scorpion's, I'm hoping since there's at least one leaf it'll come back, heck maybe this stress will make this plant an ub3r killer?!

and here's the pepper garden pest I now have to bar form my growing areas:
What a beautiful dog. You'll be watching your plants for a long time if your Labs's anything like mine. He's 18 months old and can demolish a plant in minutes. Here's him safely behind bars last year after he ate a Fresno plant with chillis on.

Ah, that most dreaded of garden pests, Canis lumbercus, commonly called the Large Footed Lab. Even has that classic, innocent "Who, me?" melt-your-heart look.

You're in big trouble.
Ok, since we have some puppy lovers here I'll share this recent event with ya too.

I seriously think my dog does have some kind of Green obsession. Not only does my pup eat peppers, but about a month ago he decided to eat some cash that was laying on a table. Well, just like Tommy Chong followed his labrador around for 3 days to get his stash back, I kept my eyes out in the yard.

Lookie what we found a couple weeks later:lol::

Yes, this money has been processed through a labrador :lol:
I cleaned it off and a bank actually gave new money for it since the serial numbers were able to be read.
I never found any chillis though that came out from him :lol: Only last week he ate a bread bag. Since I've had Mr Murphy he's had a mobile phone, a frog, numerous pairs of socks and knickers, place mats, newspaper, toilet and kitchen roll, boxes of tissues, dish cloths, fridge magnets, the car remote fob thing, just too much to mention. He'll raid your handbag if you don't do it up. The worst thing he did though was when he tried to reach something he wasn't allowed he caught the radio wire and pulled the double socket out of the wall. Never trust them with your plants. They're greedy dogs and I think that's why things "come out" of them almost as good as new because they don't really chew it but it's a real pain wondering if it's going to come out or you need a visit to the vets. They seem to think by eating your plants is a way of showing love.
Matilda was a foodie, she didn't eat other stuff, but she is only half lab. Maybe the Aussie half gave her enough smarts to avoid key fobs and plastic bags.

When she was young and ate everything that wasn't nailed down, she grabbed a potato slice that my aunt dropped when she was stirring some scalloped potatoes in the oven. She snatched it mid-air, and it was boiling hot. She stood there sucking air around it as she chewed, you could tell it was burning her mouth, but she never spit it out, just chewed and swallowed as fast as she could.
my moms cat eats stuff too, but i call that cat a dog in disguise. i gave him a half of lemon once, and you could tell he didn't like it but he just kept eating it.
I find him really bad around plants though, he eats all the flowers and he will eat any bits of chilli I drop, it's just greed. I had to laugh when on the same day he ate my Fresno he was lying by the radiator and turned over and yelped because he'd woken up by his willy making contact with the radiator. They don't like being laughed at :lol:
rainbowberry said:
I had to laugh when on the same day he ate my Fresno he was lying by the radiator and turned over and yelped because he'd woken up by his willy making contact with the radiator. They don't like being laughed at :lol:
YIKES!!!! :lol::lol:

Wow I can relate with the doggie stories, expessilly since I'm a labrador lover and have 3 of them. They go through a very bad shewing stage for their first 2 years I've found. I can have toys lying everywhere, and I always do, but they still destroy everything else.

For example, so far my newest pup ate/destroyed 11 Christmas Tree ornaments, 2 remote controls for the tv's, a GPS unit, cellular phone, alarm clock, 5 pairs of shoes including my Brand new bicycle shoes, couch, 2 pillows, 3 blankets, hair curling iron, keyboard, mouse, computer chair, and various other things that I forget as theres been so much. I'm surprised the dog hasn't died from all the things he's ingested:P
Oh yeah, I forgot about the remote control.

I was getting ready for bed one night, was in the bathroom, on the toilet. Suddenly I heard a man's voice, and it got louder and louder, then this rap music started, and it got louder! I yanked up my britches, and dashed around the corner...and there sat Matilda, chewing on the remote control. She'd turned the TV on and was channel surfing.
My Boomer always stole the remote as well:lol:but the funniest thing was when he would quietly slink into the bathroom and run off with the bathroom rug or pull a towel off the rack he would trot away with them acting all "proud" at what he did:lol:
man I miss him
HotPeppersFlyFishing said:
My Boomer always stole the remote as well:lol:but the funniest thing was when he would quietly slink into the bathroom and run off with the bathroom rug or pull a towel off the rack he would trot away with them acting all "proud" at what he did:lol:
man I miss him


Don't worry, there are towel stealing little feet in your near future.
I will have a future dilemma though.When he takes my fly tying pheasant tail feathers or some of my other game bird feathers for fly tying do I scold him or praise him??? bad puppy no i mean good puppy no bad puppy no wait good puplolol:lol:
ring sting said:
I'm glad I'm not the only one who tucks in their dog for bed time.

Tucks in? I got a king-sized bed so I wouldn't have to fight for space with the dogs and cats. Now I get in bed, and say "Alright, everybody skooch over and get on your side." And they ignore me.
Here's a picture of the first night I had the king-sized bed, it's what I saw when I went to get in bed.

Pam said:
Tucks in? I got a king-sized bed so I wouldn't have to fight for space with the dogs and cats.
Is that really why? :lol:
Pam said:
Now I get in bed, and say "Alright, everybody skooch over and get on your side." And they ignore me.
Here's a picture of the first night I had the king-sized bed, it's what I saw when I went to get in bed.

They're so cute! cats and dogs sleeping in the same bed. :P oh yeah, and Pam too. ;)