New Grow Box

Bought a new toy to play with
20,000 lumens of awesomeness. Now just to sort out how to cool it cos heatsinks all the wrong size. I need 160mm x 200mm minimum.
Any suggestions ?
KAOS said:
Excuse the poor cayenne. It got a topping on the weekend.
Just thought I'd share some pics of the beloved Cayenne Test Pepper 8 weeks after topping





karoo said:
Looks like an Amarillo box from over here. ;)

I might just do that Karoo.
I got two boxes and a tent so can choose the Amarillo's spectral steroid based on what stage it's at.
The tent is a bit harsh climate wise. The boxes are much more stable temperature wise and the one in that pic real easy to control amount of light.
Shorerider said:
Hi Shorerider

I've read through that build and it was part inspiration for the one in my first post. I really liked your setup and was going to shelve mine but light levels were good for seedlings at 80cm and increased as the plant grew taller. Also got exhaust fans and controller to vent excess hot air. Never installed as the led I was using maintained around 24-26c which I was happy with. KISS