New Grower, Couple Questions

Hello All,
New to growing peppers and seeking some advice.
I have 2 Habs that seem to be doing quite well. Picked a fully ripened orange one yesterday and there's probably another 30-40 between two plants in various stages of ripeness (mostly green).
I have a Dragon Cayenne that has literally taken over the growing area. There must me about 100 peppers all over this thing. I plucked 3 red ones yesterday.
I have 1 Tabasco. It's about 4 ft tall, but appears to be the least prolific by far. Certainly has some pods and flowering, but I'm not sure this thing is going to turn into the bush I want it to.
I have 2 Jalapenos that are between 4 and 5 ft tall. Snagged about 5 hand sized green guys from them yesterday.
Dragon Cayenne: Should I go nuts and pick all of the green peppers in hopes of increasing yield? I'm in Georgia, so the growing season isn't much of an issue.
Tabasco: Any thoughts here? Seems to be taking quite a while.
Patio: All these plants are in containers and (especially apparent in the Habs) are literally growing out to the sun. The Habs are literally a total bush on one side and completely flat on the other. Should I rotate the pots so the other side gets sun or just leave them?
Thanks Everyone!
We're like family. Screw up and big brother and big sister will tell ya what's what. Might want to get an avatar to separate you from the other nubbies here
Alright, rotated all of them. Some of the lower large branches needed to be tied to the balcony railing on the habaneros and cayennes. Very heavy growth on one side while the other is totally flat across the board. They've been growing this way for ~3 months. Flat side is now closer to the sun. Tried my best to shape like a bush with twine tied to support. Tabasco still looks like a 4ft tree  :rofl: