New Grower, Fruit Drop

Most of my peppers are doing fine. Today and yesterday were our first 90+ days. I lost quite a few flowers and one little scorpion peppers. Should I be worried???
Cool. I was worried when one pepper dropped. They just set. My chocolate scorpion has about 12 so far...though many look like ghosties? Maybe a cross as my plants are close together.
A lot of the time it's a random seed mix up but if you want some chocolate morugas let me know I have two plants and that's a lot of morugas for one person lol
Got them from chileplants in jersey. This one had 2 early pods I picked before ripe. Definitely scorpion. I will post pictures later. My comp is burning a dvd for the kids. But will definitely take you up on any sfrb offer. Currently worried about my Reaper situation. One recovering plant and one with one (very Reapery) pod so far.
I'm having similar issues and the heat here in SC has been crazy.  Someone on the forum assured me there is plenty of season left and hopefully we'll both have a ton of peppers :)
It has been high 90's here for the past 3 weeks, my Peri Peri plants are producing hundreds of flowers but many of them are turning yellowish and dropping off. If I don't water the damn things daily they wilt to the point of death, if I give them too much water they drop flowers. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Pennsylvaia is weird. Its 78-85 now and everything loks good. Lots of new pods. Green growth has slowed down and flowering increased. Looking good for most plants. Had a few stunted but they are cool bonchis with 10 or so hanging friuts and gnarly exposed roots so I love them.
nattymari said:
Pennsylvaia is weird. Its 78-85 now and everything loks good. Lots of new pods. Green growth has slowed down and flowering increased. Looking good for most plants. Had a few stunted but they are cool bonchis with 10 or so hanging friuts and gnarly exposed roots so I love them.
That's awesome.  Share some pics of your harvest when you pick them :)