New Grower in Guatemala

Thanks for all the love, everyone.

I will do my best to collect seeds while I am here. I've got to say though that for a beginner like myself it will be a challenge to properly identify everything and forget about getting any translatable and reliable information from folks down here who call things whatever they've called them for decades and have no idea what they might be called in English or in the Chilihead world.

For example, my dialogue yesterday:
me: what's this one called?
her: "Chiltepe"
me: I read that there are a few different varieties of chilies called something like "chiltepe," is there any other name people use for this one?
her: This one is called "chiltepe."
me: Yes, I get that, but is there another name?
her: You mean like a scientific name? I have no idea about those things, nor do I speak Latin.
me: No, not scientific, just, you know, something colloquial like "bird's eye" or "bird's dung"?
her: It's true, birds eat these pods and poop out the seeds and that's why you can find this plant growing in the most unlikely places.
me: But people don't call it anything like "bird poo chili" or anything like that? Maybe to distinguish it from other types of chiltepe?
her: THIS is the only kind of chiltepe. <pointing> This is chiltepe.
me: Ok, thanks...

Nevertheless, I will try to find the time to post photos and such to get some help on classification and to try to focus on collecting seeds that might not be readily available globally. I don't want to end up just bringing back a bunch of funny looking jalapeƱos, you know?

So, as promised, I have pictures of all the pods that I found in the market today. Any help IDing these guys for this noobie is welcome and appreciated:


Basically, I was told that each of the following was "chili carch&aacute;":


-this was a "mixed bag"




And this is the "chiltepe" from the previous post:

And this one they tell me is "chili caballo (horse)":

So, yeah, I have no idea...any thoughts?