New Grower NJ

Welcome back jersey boy. North or south? I am headed back down to ccn next weekend if you want me to pick you up some peppers.
Yea, thanks for the luck colorado. I'll need it. Yea that's def a diff pod. I'll look into it after I get my feet wet with the reg 7 Pots. Is it hotter, or just diff flavor profile?

Crow, I'm in central. Right off exit 8. East Windsor/Heightstown. That would def. be cool man. I'm just nervous. never grew before and the weather's still up and down round here. I felt comfortable sending some to Mom in law in Miami because she knows what she's doing. If the board gives me a vote of confidence to jump right in, I'm all for it. How difficult is it? Should my passion for the Pods be all I need? Or do I need to educate myself? What kind of bed do I need? I have a couple beds in my yard but don't know if they're primed to grow. Was beautiful when I moved in last September, but honestly it's mostly overgrown with weeds. When I get home from work I'll post pix. I know they don't cost that much, but I wouldn't want to waste either of our time if I'm destined to kill the darn things. WHERE DO I START? Hate to beg, and I'm no message board newb so save the "go back and read posts" responses. I'm working on it but let me know if I can just dive in. Any help would be appreciated.
Welcome fellow Rutgers grad. It's my first grow also and I have done some serious damage. Luckily the plants I got from CCN are resilient and I haven't completely killed them.

How hot are you wanting to go? We got stuff on here that makes a Bonnet taste like candy. Hopefully some one lives around you and can hook you up with seeds.

Here are some key words to look up on youtube

Bhut Jolokia
Butch T

from there you will find loads of info.

Have Fun!
