New grower with some questions

Hey all, from Toronto, Canada!

I've been lurking around this forum for a while and came across many wonderful tips! It's nice to see such a friendly place sharing the same interest.
This summer, I've finally decided to grow some chilli plants since I've loved eating chilli peppers since as long as I can remember. Recently though, I've been noticing some yellowing of some of my peppers' top leaves as well as leaf wrinkling/curling. I'm wondering what might be happening or if this is just normal?

For the past 2 weeks I've been watering every time with 10/15/10 fertilizer diluted to 0.53mL per 1L of water, and watering about every other day (I add enough water each time so that water leaks out of the drain holes.) After I noticed the leaves acting weird about 4 days ago, I started watering with tap water. I also sprayed epsom salt water (1 tsp to 1 gallon) and buried some eggshells since I read that the leaves wrinkling could be due to calcium deficiency.

Here are some pics:

My Habaneros with wrinkly and curving leaves


Scotch Bonnet with wrinkly and curving leaves

After I sprayed all of my plants with epsom salt water, one of my developing pod's stalk (on a Blue Jay chilli plant) become yellow-ish and stiff. It was hanging down the day before.

My tomato's having major leaf curling issues too

Some of my other chilli & tomato plants are fine though... it's just the ones I've shown here. It has been a bit cold at night during the past week (~12C/53F).

Does anyone know what might be going on? Or if I'm just worrying excessively?
Thanks in advance =]
Way too wet! Cut down on the watering and only fertilize once a week. Your trying to do to much and will baby them to death. Some of my best plants are the ones I ignore. Just trying to help is all and welcome to the forum! :cool:

Way too wet! Cut down on the watering and only fertilize once a week. Your trying to do to much and will baby them to death. Some of my best plants are the ones I ignore. Just trying to help is all and welcome to the forum! :cool:


Thanks! I'll try leaving them alone for a bit =] Some plants in the garden that I never take care of are indeed doing better haha.

Charles hit the nail on the head. is there drainage in your containers?

Yep there are. Though I might be watering too much since I've been watering everyday until water drips out.
Yeah just cut down on the water and I bet you will see them start to green up in no time at all. Good luck this year!

Charles :cool: