New growth curling outwards

Ive treated them with pyrethrum today which will kill thrips on contact. Since bad weather is forecasted I will do a spinosad spray and water when the rain passes. Something is damaging the veins. Im gonna dig up the soil around them to make sure nothing under neath is attacking the roots. If they were though I don't think leaves will curl.
I've got the same problem sarge dunno what it is.... I've just sprayed them tonight with a copper fungicide spray.... I don't think it's insect related as I have not seen any and I have them all a good spray last week when I transplanted them into the ground.... If I manage to solve the problem ill let you know.... Also the spray I did them with last week as a precaution treated against thrips so I can't really see it being them? I could be wrong though lol.....
Andy21 said:
I've got the same problem sarge dunno what it is.... I've just sprayed them tonight with a copper fungicide spray.... I don't think it's insect related as I have not seen any and I have them all a good spray last week when I transplanted them into the ground.... If I manage to solve the problem ill let you know.... Also the spray I did them with last week as a precaution treated against thrips so I can't really see it being them? I could be wrong though lol.....
Hey dude could you take a photo of your leaves? Are they curling the same way and are there tiny burnt spots on your leaves around the edges? If you can get photos get some of the top and bottom of the leaves. This is really frustrating and ontop of that it looks like I've got a few days straight of rain!
I should be home in a few hrs ill take some snaps then or later in the day as they might be a bit wilted so won't show properly in the photo
Not good at all, all my outdoor plants have it now. Every single one. Curling leaves and veins that look like they're dead/dying. Had 3 days of non stop rain which really isn't going to help. If the plants were a little bigger, I'd top them but at this point I don't know what to do. To this point the only pests Ive seen on my plants have been white flies and only in very small numbers(about 10). Ive seen a few lacewing larvae and small lacewing, lady beetles, weird flies etc but no aphids around these plants and so far no visible thrip.
If these plants fail, I hope my upstairs potted plants are far enough from what ever it is. Tomorrow were getting 25C sunny weather and they will get a dose of spinosad. If all shit hits the fan, I'll just let the plants die off then dig out the entire garden bed and put new soil. Its hit all my plants down stairs, all 10 in the garden bed and even my one single isolated plant. Do mites cause this type of damage? I've read that whiteflies are transport for broadmites.
Get some more pics up if you can, especially of the worst affected plants. The curling in the first pics you posted looked more like early stages of thrip damage to me but it very well could be caused by broad mite too. That would explain the lack of a visible enemy.
Whitefly are notorious for spreading broad mite.
Pest or not, we will figure this out!
Hey sarge I forgot about the photos I just tried to take some then but it's dark and my flash blurred the shots :( will definitely post some tommoro, I sprayed them for thrips and used the copper oxide foliar spray on Sunday/Monday ill keep you updated and let you know how mine are going an ill definitely post some pics tommoro! I need to get this sorted out too! My plants don't seems to have gotten any worse though which is always a positive!
I'm concerned about the amount of pesticides I'll spray on these. Pyrethrum as a precaution, spinosad for potential thrip, what do you use for broadmite? Ive read its absolutely crucial to pinch off and burn/dispose of damaged leaves. All my plants upstairs are now moved even further away, I don't want to take any risks.
I've got a new macro lens with 60x magnification, I'll take some more photos tomorrow of affected plants and pull off some affected leaves. New underneath growth looks fine, it seems to be hitting the plants from the top down.
Here are the other pictures:

Not the greatest pictures, Its really hard to use a shitty eBay lens to magnify leaves. None the less again no visible walking or moving bugs just signs of leaf curling and vein damage.

Sorry about the large quantity of pictures. I don't think thumbnails work anymore with imageshack... Ive got a few more pix to put up, gonna put them up in a separate post.
You can relax somewhat, it definitely doesn't look like broad mite damage. I can see something that resembles the broad mites themselves (first pic, the tiny white dusty specks on the centre leaves) but I really don't think it is. That amount of mites would have caused a much, much uglier mess by now! Probably just the residue of something you have sprayed or plain old dust or something.
I want to say fungus (the funky black stuff and the 'dying' veins) but the pinching and disfigurement around the edges of the leaf is still making me think pest (where the little bastages have feasted on the tender young leaf and marred it for good). Does anybody know if fungus can also cause this type of damage? Or maybe a combination of things going on too? Seriously, though, whatever is going on, it really doesn't look that bad at all to me! At least at this point. With all the crap I have to deal with here, that is what I call good condition. :)
They just got a hit with spinosad just as precaution from thrip. I saw a little spider there im hoping he can feast on whats doing this to my plants. I don't like the soil and compost I used here theres already random shit growing through.

I really hope its not mites. They don't sound like something I want to deal with in my first season. I hope they pull through theres really nothing else I can do. That strange shit on the veins isnt on the new growth. Its random. On some mid leaves on some older leaves on some newer leaves. Not sure what type of bacteria or fungus there is which affects peppers. Gonna have to research.
I'm going to feel like an idiot if I'm wrong, but I'm still going with thrips. I dare say the black stuff is also related (I recall now hearing something that thrips are a vector of fungi). It is possible that you might have already taken care of the thrip and the continual damage is caused by residual toxin in the plant (bug related leaf curl is usually caused by toxin in the bug's saliva). I know from first hand experience that broad mite damage can continue for a while after temporary erradication. I have never paid attention if the case is the same with thrips but I assume so.
gasificada said:
I'm going to feel like an idiot if I'm wrong, but I'm still going with thrips. I dare say the black stuff is also related (I recall now hearing something that thrips are a vector of fungi). It is possible that you might have already taken care of the thrip and the continual damage is caused by residual toxin in the plant (bug related leaf curl is usually caused by toxin in the bug's saliva). I know from first hand experience that broad mite damage can continue for a while after temporary erradication. I have never paid attention if the case is the same with thrips but I assume so.
the black spots left by thrips is their poop (to add insult to injury). Usually once you get rid of them the new growth should be normal. worst case is they have transferred tomato spotted wilt virus, for which thrips are vectors. I am not saying that this is the case with sarge, hope not. 
pay attention to the new growth and monitor its condition. 
Hey sarge I've put mine down to thrips.... Also showing symptoms of tomato spotted wilt virus :( gonna start another thread on how (if there is any way) to treat for it...
Sarge said:
Not the greatest pictures, Its really hard to use a shitty eBay lens to magnify leaves. None the less again no visible walking or moving bugs just signs of leaf curling and vein damage.

Sorry about the large quantity of pictures. I don't think thumbnails work anymore with imageshack... Ive got a few more pix to put up, gonna put them up in a separate post.
Its getting worse. No body knows what this is?
Sarge - my Bhut Jolokia Ghost Chilies are both doing this now - did you get to the bottom of what was causing it?  The leave are at the stage in this photo with a few darker spines along the leaves and the weird "stinger" shaped leaf.  
Will be gutted if I lose them to this as they were doing so well.
I have no idea what caused it. To this point I cant blame pests since there is none. I think its quite likely that it was a bacterial infection. There is one plant in my garden bed which touch wood still has no symptoms but the majority of my other plants are bouncing back. They are putting on new growth which looks just fine.

All I did was spinosad pyrethrum just incase of pests then some seasol to treat the soil and encourage good bacteria activity, a tea is a much better option, then fed the plants some cal mag. I also pulled off the worse leaves but I feel I didnt need to since none of the leaves dropped and nome were yellow at all. But you can definitely see how good the plants looked and how they started to look. Ill grab you an uodated.pic. it wont hurt if you can show us something too including the underside. Are you down in Australia