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New growth leaf curl...

Can anyone tell me what this is that causes leaf curling on my seedlings and older plants???
In the pictures you can see some type of brown discoloration...Im not sure if this is some type of disease or pest?
I have inspected the plants for aphids and didnt find anything the naked eye could see.
On the larger plants i pruned of the curling leaves and the new growth comes out normal.
In the seedlings case they all look and grow perfectly fine then off of a sudden on most they start this curling
and all the growth slows down and gets stunted at the effected area of the plant.

Here are some pics of a plant with the problem:




Here is a plant that has been watered and fertilized the exact same way with perfect health:


If anyone has any ideas at all please help?
I have lost most of my seedlings i planted last year to this issue and its becomming very frustrating.
I have the potting mix amended with a table spoon of organic bone meal, I thought this would provide calcium?
Also why 1 plant has bad leaf curl and the other be perfectly fine? I wish I knew.....
I've had the same problems and have never really identified the exact problem although I suspect aphids or other insects have something to do with it and maybe some overwatering and/or damp/humid conditions. I actually have a plant this year that half has leaf curl and the other half if fine, split exactly down the middle. I figure its either bugs or weird genetics in this case
Here's an old thread with similar issues
fadetoblack - thats the exact problem im having now. Right down to the brownish spots on the underside of the leaves.

i too have a thread here (with no solution yet) - http://www.thehotpepper.com/showthread.php?16442-Bacterial-Spot-of-Pepper
At first i thought it was some disease (hence the title) but now im pretty sure its not.

Potawie - thanks for linking that thread. Gave me a few more ideas to try. Im going to get a Ph kit today and AJ's last postin that thread is very interesting.ill have to check when i get home.
What did you end up doing ?
I just read the whole thread again...laughing here....we were sherlock holmesing it weren't we... :actually giggling outloud:

I don't think we ever came up with a cause did we?...and that insect in my last post...beats me...I remember taking the photo but don't remember doing any research as to what the bug was...

by the way Fade...hope you get it under control...in the photo of the underside of the leaf...can you get a closer look at that?...I mean the shapes almost resemble aphids...(maybe red aphids)...take a magnifying glass or take an extreme closeup if you can...a lot of times I have identified issues thru a macro lens (or just closeup using optical zoom)...would be interesting to see what you got .....
LCV (Leaf curl virus) and Fungus attack are common causes for your leaf curl.
But even thrips (insects) can cause leaf curl.
Seeing your photographs it looks like you have had a fungus problem.
Try spraying with fungicide and also Hydrogen peroxide (1 percent strength) .

My 2 cents

I'm taking a stab in the dark here, but mites of some kind?

I have a mite infestation at the moment and some of my plants were looking very similar, except they had more of a look like the life was being sucked out of them.

And yeah, plenty of my new growth was all curled and dead-like.
the brown almost looks like signs of blight. try heavily leeching the soil. then start back on your regular fertilization routine. this method worked great on a few of my plants, ALSO use a little fungicide. some plants seem to use nutrients at different rates aS OTHERS probabily why on eplant likes the nutes then another plant it may be too much nutes or vice versa
That looks like thrips damage to me.

Try spraying with Permethrin or Spinosad or alternate between the two for several weeks, twice per week.

There are many varieties of thrips and a lot are very tiny and hard to see, but many will suck the life from your plant and cause discoloration and leaf curl like you have.
i just went up to the local nursery and spoke with the horticulturlist there. I took a cutting and she wasnt sure what it was either but she was pretty sure its some sort of fungus.

She explained either overwatering, spraying the leaves, hot and humid climate (all of the above for me) can cause fungus to grow.
She recommended me use this ( http://www.yates.com.au/products/disease-control/ready-to-use/yates-fungus-gun-ready-to-use/ ) but only if there are no chilli's on the plant. If there are then dont eat them if you use this. Spray once a week for 2-3 weeks.

fingers crossed - lets see how it goes
AlabamaJack said:
I don't think we ever came up with a cause did we?...and that insect in my last post...beats me...I remember taking the photo but don't remember doing any research as to what the bug was...

That looks like some type of thrips and there are very many different varieties.

Here's a little NFO from your neck of the woods: Texas AgriLife Extension Service
I will try and take a pic zoomed in closer tommorow, but my camera isnt that great.
By the way when i rub the brown on the leaf it doesent seem to come off on my fingers, but seems rather embedded within the leaf.
i pinch them off and leave the new forming leaf buds....... spray the new buds with dilute biological insecticide three days in a row..... or more or probably stronger concentration if needed...... no problems thereafter.... had this problem with the Bhut Jol. last year..... plants ended up being the tallest of all my plants
Well the only insecticide I have is liquid and powdered forms of Sevin spray...
I may try that on a few aqnd see what happens...
Will also see if I can find some fungicide aswell. We usually sell that but I think its out of stock.
Here are some more close-up pics, this is the best I could do with the camera I have




Also note that all the pods that develope from these buds also are usually small and or deformed with similar rust colored marks on them as well.
Also keep in mind a part of the plant can be affected by this while another part of the plant could be perfectly healthy.
My problem definitely wasn't thrips or mites, and I personally wouldn't spray any insecticide unless you know you have a pest problem otherwise you're just needlessly stressing your plants even more. I've tried fungicides and its hard to tell if they work since the damage doesn't really heal, you usually have to wait for damaged areas to die off and for new growth to develop