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pests New growth not looking good

I have been battling aphids with neem oil mixed with a little dish soap. However, it seems like my plants aren't getting better and i hope its not something more serious? I am thinking it could be broad mites or maybe even a calcium deficiency? What do you guys think, any help would be appreciated!

Growing on my apartment balcony under a grow light in Southern California.


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Hi Jack.
Just a guess but it seems that your plants arent getting height. You have a great canopy going there, but they should be 12 to 16 inches tall with that growth. Pull your grow light to 24inches away, or maybe even remove it for a bit. Think of pepper plants as 4 to 6 foot tall bushes.

It doesnt look like a calcium or water problem. Just too healthy. Looks like your doing a great job with the aphids too.
They look very healthy, just stunted, and I think its by too much intense light.

Another thing, what size planters are you using? Maybe give side pics as well as top pics.

That being said, what do i know, lol..
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Hi Jack.
Just a guess but it seems that your plants arent getting height. You have a great canopy going there, but they should be 12 to 16 inches tall with that growth. Pull your grow light to 24inches away, or maybe even remove it for a bit. Think of pepper plants as 4 to 6 foot tall bushes.

It doesnt look like a calcium or water problem. Just too healthy. Looks like your doing a great job with the aphids too.
They look very healthy, just stunted, and I think its by too much intense light.

Another thing, what size planters are you using? Maybe give side pics as well as top pics.

That being said, what do i know, lol..
Thank you so much for the insight, didn't think that too much light might cause the stunted growth. I actually just raised the light about a week ago so hopefully that is helping? It is at about 27 inches now. If I need to adjust the brightness down even more that would actually be great news because that thing makes a significant impact on my electricity bill.

I have attached a few more pictures of my setup. Right now they are in 1 gallon pots, moved them into those about a month ago and will transfer them into 5 gallon grow bags as their final home when ready.

(p.s. the yellow sad one was my experiment that was original grown hydroponically and then transferred to soil.)


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How is the air flow? Maybe add a small fan a few times a day...

Might want to try figuring out the light height by PPFD and light per day to get good height on them. Just google PPFD for hot peppers and it should give you a few ideas on how to figure and adjust..
Light Calculators

On page two, I used the PPFD to DLI calculator to match intensity and height to match my 14hr light time. I just figured it out a few days ago when I started getting leaf curl. So yeah, too much light can be a bad thing. You can still get a sunburn on overcast days..
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How is the air flow? Maybe add a small fan a few times a day...

Might want to try figuring out the light height by PPFD and light per day to get good height on them. Just google PPFD for hot peppers and it should give you a few ideas on how to figure and adjust..
Light Calculators

On page two, I used the PPFD to DLI calculator to match intensity and height to match my 14hr light time. I just figured it out a few days ago when I started getting leaf curl. So yeah, too much light can be a bad thing. You can still get a sunburn on overcast days..
I just discovered there is an app you can get on iPhone that is a PPFD, albeit probably not as accurate as a real one but it should do the trick.

I hadn't thought about aifrlow since it is outside, but its possible that it isnt getting good airflow. Would that cause the stunted growth as shown?
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Not the airflow, but it cant hurt for later. The leaves would be curling up on the edges and the bottom of the leaves would have a texture like sugar on butter. If you can see them, or your taller plants shake in the winds regularly then you probably good.

Im thinking too much light intensity. Picture #3 shows how the leaves are curling up to protect themselves. They are even try to flower early by the look of the pods..

Keep in mind that the leaves that are curled will not become normal again. They are going to remain curled.. However, new growth should come out just fine. Id snip off the flower pods when its easy to do so as well. Let it save energy to go tall? Maybe someone with more experience can give you better advice.
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