New here

Hi! I've been reading thehotpepper in the shadows for about two years now and have been growing hot peppers for a long time. I'm thinking of crossing some chili peppers this year so I decided to create this thread and maybe share some seeds in the future if all goes well. Currently I have around 50-60 varieties, mostly chinenses and baccatums, not many but I've started to share seeds with other users. Also i have plenty of place to grow, I usually plant around 500 plants but I could do more.
:welcome: 2 the :hot:PEPPER.
I usually plant around 500 plants but I could do more.
Oh My God Reaction GIF
:dance: :welcome: I grow around 500 plants each year myself and wife won't let me expand anymore :) Course I don't have much more space to even do that. Welcome!
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