New Home Grower Need Urgent Help!! (Bhut Jolokia)

Hi all,
I'm a new home grower. located in Jakarta, Indonesia. (so appologize my limited english)
I love hot and spicy food, but I live in apartment with no balcony. I always interested wanting to grow my own pepper, but was always in doubt.
But recently I purchased bhut jolokia seeds from ebay, and been trying to grow them. Got 25 seeds, I separated them 5 seeds in every small pots. I use grow mix that I could find in a local shop. Maybe only half of them sprouting..
Today, it’s been 3 weeks+ now. My biggest problem I don't know why but now some of them get yellowish leaves. And now some the leaves fell off! I don't know what I did wrong.. Please help me..

I did leave them by the window at the beginning... It really got direct sunlight. Was it too much sun and too much heat? Or too much water? Or not enough water? I did use spray bottle to water at the beginning... when problem starts occur, I heard some people suggest to water them from below. So it will always moist. I did try them too... but still yellowish and falls off...





I have discussed with some people, what should I do at the first step of growing plants, should I give fertilizer? But all said too young, just let it grow first until maybe 1.5 month old, then I could use fertilizer... But now, since it starts have problem, so I immediately gave fertilizer. I found a product fertilizer powder, that I should mix with water. It’s specially made for young plants. It says it can be use even when just start sprouting. Suggested to spray once or twice a week. So I started spray it 2 days ago... But doesn't seem helping... :(
I also have moved them bit further from the window, so don't get direct sunlight now...

I’ve been trying to get solution, but haven’t succeeded. Also very hard to find info or video about how much water needed when this young? How much is too much or too less?

Please give me some input... I really need help... Really appreciate it... Thank you very much...

yup, I'd say too much water, you'd probably be ok with the amount your giving if they had a fan....maybe. Watering them the with no air movement the soil will stay saturated and wet enough for those little guys for quite a while, maybe 3-4 days. Something to keep in mind is you want to keep the soil damp but not wet. A good way to gauge this is by the weight technique, pick them up and feel the weight difference between a wet container and a dry container.  This will really help you when come watering time.  I would also suggest that when you do water you give half as much as you have been to the pots, when overwatering, saturating the soil, and no air movment you run the risk of "damping off" better to water less and more frequently to this eliminate risk.  No ferts this early in the game
Good luck!
Thank you all for the reply. I skipped watering them today. We'll see how it goes in few days.. but is it possible to safe them at this stage?

When I left them by the window, there were once I skipped watering them. But when I'm back from office at noon, I found some of the leaves turned yellowish. I thought too much sunlight and also cos' I skipped watering them.

This age is the hardest part. Found some info on internet that suggesting to water them once or twice a day. But never say how much water needed...

Also found info that the method should give water until water came out from under the pot... so a lot of mixed method. Dunno which one the best one for my case.

Once again, thank you so much for all the help. Will give more update..

Definitely do not water them every day.  That is quite a bit more than they need.  Do what beerbreath recommended.  Lift up a pot that you have watered fully.  Then lift up a pot that has dried out.  If your pots start to feel like the dried out one, then you need to water.  Peppers are not heavy drinkers, and with pots that size and seedlings that small, I'd be surprised if you have to water them more than once every 5-7 days.  Also, do as Judy (PepperLover) said, get them some more light.  They getting quite leggy (tall and spindly), which means they are stretching for more light.  This can lead to weak stems that eventually fall over on themselves.
Edit:  Just had a closer look at your pictures.  The soil looks very moist, and you still have standing water in the bowls underneath.  I hope you aren't leaving the water sitting in there.  If so, remove it, because that is just causing the soil to stay sopping wet.
Water from below, but don't have them sit in the left over water after watering. To much water I think is the problem. You might want to try lights over them. The lights would stop them from bending towards the sun. Bring the sun to them by using lights to imitate the sun.

P.S welcome to THP
thanks guys for all the suggestions. I have moved them back by the window since 2 days ago, which could get direct sunlight... also dried them with no watering at all... not from underneath too... so far some of the leaves still fell off and some rippled.. hopefully the rest still could be rescued (crossing fingers)  :cry:
really appreciate all the help. Have a great weekend guys...