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new hydro grow log

well i decided today to take out the plants out of my hydro system so i am able to start up some new ones. this time i will have only 4 plants and they will be grown in rockwool slabs. i will be growing bhut jolokia, fatali , and two 7pod thanks agian to quebecfire.

June 07 2008
Day 1

kewl, but as much as I hate to agree with Omri, those look like Jiffy's.
At least, the rockwool at my garden store is square, and a very diff. color.


Congrats nonetheless. Go Naga!
QuadShotz said:
kewl, but as much as I hate to agree with Omri, those look like Jiffy's.
At least, the rockwool at my garden store is square, and a very diff. color.


Congrats nonetheless. Go Naga!
What's so wrong about agreeing with Omri? :surprised:
They look like FlexiMix to me.
Haha, nothing really. 'Tis fun to jest though eh?

What's FlexiMix?
Heck, I thought I was lucky just to find Pro-Mix BX in managable sizes. :cool:
It's not really available here as well, but heard good things 'bout it. apparently it does better with liquids than rockwool.
Here's a pic:
Seems fun, looks similar but darker.
More minerals/nutes perhaps? Or just more 'dark matter'.
Like IGG sez, Black Hole Chillis taste better. :P
funny colors abound

rainbowberry said:
yeah that's brown Omri ;)

Omri said:
Actually FlexiMix is red. :P

Hehehe, this is interesting, it looks like little pink and purple pokadotted midgets running around on my screen....

: looks down :

Whoa...the floors pulsing....hehe...weeeeeeee!!!!! :lol:
Actually Omri

Those are Rapid Rooter PLUGS. a Rockwool SLAB is not a starting medium that you put in a seed starting tray. it is more what you 'transplant' it to.

rockwook cubes


rockwook cubes on a rockwool slab


go for it abf, lets see tons of pics!! i'm just starting a new hydro system that is top secret so far :O. i'll post pics when i get chiles.
yeah i know those are not rockwool. im using rapid rooter plugs to germinate my seeds then transfer them to rockwool blocks then onto a rockwool slab. the rapid rooters are a soil-less plug. ill have some pics posted when the pop up :)
teh purple penguins said:
Actually Omri

Those are Rapid Rooter PLUGS. a Rockwool SLAB is not a starting medium that you put in a seed starting tray. it is more what you 'transplant' it to.

rockwook cubes


rockwook cubes on a rockwool slab


go for it abf, lets see tons of pics!! i'm just starting a new hydro system that is top secret so far :O. i'll post pics when i get chiles.
I see "Omri", but the post doesn't seem related to me in any way. :shocked:
I just said they don't look like rockwool, but more like fleximix. The tray itself does look like a rapid rooter one.
Hey, how do you guys find rockwool cubes?

I have some coconut husk peat pellets that are at least 25% smaller than the normal Jiffy peat pellets, and was thinking of propogating seedlings in the pellets, then lodging them inside rockwool cubes, before planting them in soil in some 12 inch pots.

One thing I find is that peppers take a freaking long time to grow, and since I can happily sustain seedlings indoors, the longer I can keep them in a non potted stage, the longer I can have them indoors. So if the rockwool cubes can delay the potting phase to say 10 weeks after first germinating seeds, I'd be really happy.
MiLK_MaN said:
Hey, how do you guys find rockwool cubes?

First thing I do is go to the rock wool store.......:rolleyes:

Rockwool keeps air/water in ideal ratio and it is inorganic so it does not rot.
it's a standard rapid rooter tray that he cut to 4 cells. i said omri, because they were obviously not rockwool or a slab :). i should have said omri and quadshots for different reasons. : )

i said omri cause i told you they were rapid rooter plugs :). and that abf didn't mean that they were a rockwool slab.

abf. how much experience do you have with hydro? did you say the last time you grew hydro chiles was your first time with chiles? can't wait to see those 7pots grow. in your slab. are you going to do top feed drip or like an nft?

QuadShotz said:

and those are how all starter cubes come that's not a slab. a slab does not have perforations to sperate individual cubes with seed / stem holes.

and is usually 6" wide x 4" tall x many different sizes long.

you can also get slabs that are a lot wider and more square but i think they are dubbed 'mats'
this will be my 2nd hydro grow i have done. i have a flood and drain system so i will be doing it that way and see how it works. my last grow i had 6 plants but they grew way to big for my grow area so i am only doing 4 this time and see how it works. i am very excited to see how those 7pods grow and produce