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new kid on the block

Why does one have to eat a whole tablespoon? Does THAT make someone a "man?" Is THAT what makes all of you "chilliheads" respect someone? Is THAT what it takes to be "cool?" I just hope that one day I can endeavor enough to be a REAL man...
i was just amazed that a young kid could do that. i wouldn't even try. those extract sauces hurt my guts. this kid acts like he doesn't even feel it.
Give him time and he'll feel what the heat can do to your colon. Personally I like and respect my colon to much to try anything that would make me squirt fire. My poor stomach has been damaged to much by hardcore Thai food and pain meds over the years, that and rot gut Home Brew.
George W.
I have that sauce. It's pretty damn hot. My buddy dumped nearly half a bottle on 20 wings one night. He didn't mean to, but it was runny for some reason. Not sure why. It also made his ears hurt too :). The kid handled himself pretty good. Pretty fast end to the vid though ;)
Howdy all,SL best halve here.Wow cool video the kid is very composed for that age and that kind of heat.I do feel for him when it comes to the ears ;I ate 5.5 gr of a chocolate Bhut and one hiccup later straight to the ear canals man that hurt.
So any way time for you guys to turn the heat up on Salsa Kid he has been slacking in his reviews lol.OK just quick shout out to some of you NW posse you rock, Beagle got to love that cleaver,LF and Nagga both you guys got a screw loose,Geeme don't cut SL any slack,AJ,thanks for the seeds was a great family project this summer.Judy great peppers.There are a lot of you who I forgot but,I have gained a lot of knowledge from,in fact this site is almost a chille Wikki.
To any reviewers who would like to try some of our products pleas drop line of what you would like to try.
This is for Cappy the Brain Strain well as I have officially retired from the Lab as her fav test subject I was curious about the mash so here are my thoughts on it ( not a review as I am not qualified in mash based products.

First off the product in the bottle is an incredible color the red is just eye popping and begs you to try it.The smell is like no other sauce out there,one has to keep in mind this is a mash.The first whiff and you get that sour smell, then a different fragrance is lurking in the back BURBON yeah baby.The consistency of the sauce is thick,yet it separates very easily so as with any sauce a good shake is needed and probably more with this style.Taste....well the first thing you get is salt but it goes away fast then a little hint of sour and the ....wait for it Burbon really goes well with the sour mash, then pepper, pepper, and the heat a slow builder and a good burn yeah its hot.

So to summerize a very uniqe sauce that offers a lot I mean a lot of flavour with out the heat taking over the sauce. my tests we done stright, I did put some in some beef stew and brought a lot more flavour to the table.My first experiance with a mash based sauce was good.I recomend this.

Almost forgot Paul you got a huge pair for posting those pics, had any date offers lol
ans to Jay T G'd on ya mate

The Dude

(edit- just to be clear- this post is by SalsaDude, :) SL)
yes salsalady. i've got quite a few screws loose. and some have just plain melted away , but this is nates thread! that kid is so hardcore and has all my respect. he's 11 for god's sake!!!! nate is a trooper and it's awsome that lazy and silver surfer sent him all those great chilis to try! give nate a few years and he'll make me look like the wussy of the century!!! keep it up kid!