New Korea 6 Batch- 5- 10 people get- depending on seed harvestarvest

it's kind of a medium heat. It appears to be made from de-seeded pods--coarse flakes with very little light material and 99% brilliant red. I like the bright flavor and outrageous color this adds to food. great for kimchee and soups, so I was thinking Hong Gochu based on your first post, but this is Daeng chu, the hotter one?
Thanks for the info.

Guess it depends on quality- should be hot!Raw one is pretty good- maybe medium to you.

Will harvest these and send for free. Apparently, misheard names - so had them written down. All annums.

  1. Hong Gochu- red- soups, powder, kim chi
  2. Ah Sak Gochu- long , green , straight- salad
  3. Put Gochu- big, long, striaht,with slight wave- salad chili
  4. Daeng Chu- very short - hot, small - like a Santaka
  5. Oiee- short, chunk, curled- like a jalapeno
  6. Gwarii-nsmall, curly, light green- like shishito

    I'm guessing through years of trading the original Bhutt was made milder through genetic selction and the name became Put. The Gwari was orgianlly a Curry chilli. Perhaps Indian traders told them good for Curry- to cook in spices.The Japanese use the Gwari(aka Shishito) for grilling- lovely in curry- soft and curly - lovely as a side dish with sesame oil and sesame seeds fried or grilled on BBQ.The Santaka has been bred for their purposes to the Daeng Chu.I'm guessing origin is the Prik Ki Nu. I cal it the KTT or Korean Toxic Torpedo, or the Jukalay. Death sleep in the toilet.I like 'em , hope you do. Already sent a batch out, hope they'll get though first.Had never done it before then.This will hopefully be on offer to 10 people.I'll do it free- it's boring and painful though!

    Chapman is one winner- my bad - forgot last time.
  1. This is a nice selection for anyone ever in that area.Sorry I missed it. R
I'm concerned that only 2-6 this batch has ripened, since I bought them- i wonder if they refrigerated them.If something doesn't happen soon, it looks like it may be only 2/6 coming your way right now.Sorry, if that's bad news. These are market chillies so I cant be sure when u buy them.I don't rely on the stall sellers to tell me the truth, especially in Korean. Apologies if you only end up with two lots instead of 6.Thought I'd better tell you now.
I think it officially over my friend- but if any are spare, I'll send some no problems.Pm adress, however, it may be only two kinds cos only two ripened quickly enough
I'm not really happy with the dried pods I've got here right now, they just don't look up to scratch and I'm worried about germination rates. I'm gonna wait till they come out at the shops in February and get them off to you then. Please be patient- I just don't want to send anybody rubbish. I'll probably have to send the first lot off again, make labels, pack, blah de balh, bear with me. I do not control the Korean seed markets sorry. I think the chillies I got were refrigerated before I bought them. Though some will deinatly germinate- perhaps Gwari wont.

Germination tested so far- 4-4 x 3