New Manzano variety

Nigel, the biggest difference between a Rocoto and a Manzano is where it was grown. Those are their broad names and there are all shades and colors of both...but Manzano is the name given to them in Mexico and some Central American countries and Rocoto further south. Either way those little dudes are freaking awesome! 1-1.5" and the seeds look small too. Great find my friend!!!
Wow only an inch and a half from stem to tip! Thats tiny!!!
They look delicious, i wish we could buy manzanos in the markets here!
Thats pretty cool to see all of these pics,  but I have to say is there a secret to these Manzano chillies?  As I have a Manzano Orange chilli and its not doing too much more except getting bigger in height but its pretty sturdy.  I got it last season for the whole cool thing to me of the black seeds inside to the other ones I have, but maybe its got to be pruned more or something?  Looking forward to seeing some on mine :)  I would post a pic but I dunno how :)
Paddamae said:
Thats pretty cool to see all of these pics,  but I have to say is there a secret to these Manzano chillies?  As I have a Manzano Orange chilli and its not doing too much more except getting bigger in height but its pretty sturdy.  I got it last season for the whole cool thing to me of the black seeds inside to the other ones I have, but maybe its got to be pruned more or something?  Looking forward to seeing some on mine :)  I would post a pic but I dunno how :)
The secret is temps they hate weather above 85 and won't flower usually unless it is below 85
Nightshade said:
The secret is temps they hate weather above 85 and won't flower usually unless it is below 85
Cool thanks for that, with the hot Aussie summer getting into full swing, might have to work out something better then with position and stuff for my manzano
The first couple of batches I got from my market were the larger ones. The last batch I got were also the much smaller ones. I really did not know they were different varieties, and only have seeds from the first ones I got. I used all the small ones in a very large salsa batch I made for everyone at Christmas. It was a huge hit and everyone loved the unique flavor the Manzano's added. Wish I would have kept some seed from those little fellas! 
Nice manzanos! I have a plant that puts out similar looking pods. I lost the tag so can't tell you the origin of the seed. Here is a photo of a couple or ripening pods still attached to the plant (top), along with a ripe yellow locato and a larger red peron-type pod. You can clearly see that the pods go from green directly to orange.

Here's a photo of the plant. It is in a smallish pot, on a high shelf outside in the shade. I pruned it back a short time ago. This variety would work well in a hanging basket. The branches are weighed down with fruit so that they hang down over the sides of the pot. 