New member

Hi,i'm fermenting srirarcha like sauce. everything seems good until today (day 7). It was bubbling and has a garlic sweet smell. But today, there is a kind of soupçon of putrid smell. is it possible to save it? Is it a normal step from fermentation?
"soupçon of putrid smell"

i'm not sure what it is you mean exactly  by this.

But; whether you are only tasting/making this for yourself, or ESPECIALLY :!: ..
If you have any intention of ever sharing the final product{s} with any others...

I would stick by the old adage; "when in doubt, throw it out" .
or even  :rolleyes:  "follow your nose".

In my opinion, if it doesn't smell like;

a delicious, slightly sour version of some of / all of the ingredients...
Something is possibly off with that ferment, and i would stick to the; "When in doubt throw it out" adage.

​yes pH testing is most certainly necessary as well :!: 

but in my opinion, if it smells off or wrong to you, upon first opening... 'just throw it out, or compost it'.

Repeat; take even more notes, and try again.
best of luck. 
Hopefully others with more fermenting experience will chime in with their opinion as well.
Guatemalan Insanity Pepper said:
"soupçon of putrid smell"

Wondered about that myself.  It seems to be a tad like a smidgen!
Guatemalan Insanity Pepper said:
"soupçon of putrid smell"

i'm not sure what it is you mean exactly  by this.
Me neither.

Maybe there's a language barrier?
It means slight, a slight putrid smell.
That's the first time I've heard of that search engine.
cone9 said:
Wondered about that myself.  It seems to be a tad like a smidgen!
The Hot Pepper said:
You guys never heard of Google??? :rofl:
I have!   Lifted that sentence directly from Google, Boss!
The Hot Pepper said:
yellowwaitside, :welcome:
Oh yea...sorry...I got so engrossed in soupçon  I forgot.
Welcome to THP!  A place where we learn endless ways to set our anuses on fire.
(most of which are accomplished without the aid of a matchstick)
Had a rough day today.  Time for a feeble attempt at some humor and then it's off to bed to read about the ancient history of Rome.
hi everyone, thanks for your funny responses. i'm sorry about the french word "soupçon", I though it was generally used in english language. My mistake, i was just too lazy to go on google or Bing translate.
finally, the smell was getting worse and i followed my survival i tossed it. i had fermented it too many days i guess, i should've followed the 3 to 5 days rule