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seeds New Seedling Question

Planted seeds for various peppers a week ago. today i noticed a few are starting to pop out of the dirt.. Yellow brain strains look good. Peter peppers look good. Naga Viper looks good. My question is one of my White Bhut Popped out with the seed casing still on its "head" ... is this normal and will it break it off when it is ready? is there a reason it did this? im pretty new and of the 2 dozen +- a few seeds ive sprouted this is the first one to do this. if its bad, is it preventable and/or fixable?
"helmet head" it happens sometimes. It varies, sometimes the seedling will push it off itself, sometimes it won't and you can attempt to remove it yourself. moisten the casing with a spray bottle and attempt to carefully remove it with tweezers or small pliers by pressing on the seam very gently to try and open it and tug it off. Almost like a nut or sunflower seed. I would wait and see if they push it off themselves 1st as you can damage the seedling trying to remove it. You can use the water spray bottle to soften the casing to make it easier for the seedling to push it off itself. If it still doesn't want to come off easily when attempting to remove it yourself just wait another day and try again.
Right on. That one hasnt technically "popped out" of the dirt yet. the hook is out a bit and i noticed the seed partially exposed. i put more dirt on it. Figure next time it pops up it will either have taken care of itself or i will take care of it. Just for test purposes as I have 2 seeds planted per seedling tray area and the other sprout coming up in that section doesnt appear to have any issue so this would probably be sacraficed either way. Just saw it as a learning experience.
it's pretty common, people call them helmet heads.
the plant should just push it off.. if after 4+ days nothing has happened you can try getting it wet / squeezing it BUT that's super risky you'll rip off the cotys and kill the plant so do it at your own risk.
As already said - spray to moisten then try to pinch the seam to open the casing wider, then GENTLY tug. As also already said, you can kill it if you damage it at this point. If it doesn't come off easily, wait a couple days, remist, then try again. Note sometimes they slide right off without any issues, but sometimes they are stubborn. There is a small membrane between the seed case and the seed embryo, and it is this membrane that may get stuck to the cotyledons. It's kind of a 50/50 crapshoot - if the seed casing won't come off the seedling may die, too.
If you keep it damp long enough then it will soften up and fall off.  Repeated sprays with water will work but better to use 1:10 ratio hydrogen peroxide to water solution so the extended period of dampness doesn't promote fungus.
Pinch and pull and use forceps if you have to. if it doesn't come out it won't grow up. Actually had about 5 out of 55 seeds that germinated do this.
Your only behind my winter grow bye two weeks so you can look at my pics and compare your growth rate to mine. Maybe you'll catch up if your not growing organic. Mine Im growing organic hope to keep 16 plants to fruit.