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New to growing...Newbie questions.


I am new to growing peppers or really much anything else. I tried growing some peppers from seeds, mostly to have something interesting to me on my deck. My girlfriend would plant tomatoes and some herbs every year, but that is it. I would end up watering them, so I figured might as well plant something interesting....and I might have started an addiction.

I started the first season with only a two plants...Cayenne I believe.



and i got an ornamental late in the year...


Anyway, the produced about 4 or 5 peppers each before it turned cold...from the Cayennes.

So, not knowing if I could over winter them or not I dried some seeds and them moved the plants in side to a window in hopes they would overwinter, but figuring I could start over if not.


My seeds plus as many other types as I could put my hands on. I think I have like 20 to 30 kinds now.

Any way, not only have the plants seem to be overwintering, they are still producing. I just took a couple pepper pods off the plants for cooking today, 12/13/09 and have more that are maturing.

Ok to the questions.
Is it normal for them to produce over-winter?
They seam less hot, is that normal or maybe I am over watering?
Amy I killing any chance of keeping my first pepper line pure by having other pepper types around?
I have lots of pepper types, but only one small(apartment deck), how many pepper plants can I realistically grow in a small area? I want more of my first peppers, but also maybe some Trinidad scorpions, ghosts, maybe some fish peepers and others. I have started a bunch my seeds and have sprouts? Too early? They seam happy...but I am afraid I have too many already....god I need to buy a place with a yard soon!

More pics to follow.....any advice from experienced growers would be most welcome!


More pics too follow
Is it normal for them to produce over-winter?
*Yes, if the temps are right and you have enough light.
They seam less hot, is that normal or maybe I am over watering?
*They may be less hot because they are not receiving the same amount of sun, also stress helps make the pods hotter. Be sure not to over water though.
Am I killing any chance of keeping my first pepper line pure by having other pepper types around?
*Not really killing, you will always get pure strain seeds however some pods may cross with other plants.
I have lots of pepper types, but only one small(apartment deck), how many pepper plants can I realistically grow in a small area? I want more of my first peppers, but also maybe some Trinidad scorpions, ghosts, maybe some fish peepers and others. I have started a bunch my seeds and have sprouts? Too early? They seam happy...but I am afraid I have too many already....god I need to buy a place with a yard soon!
*Yes you do need more room ,this is addicting to say the least, you can jam however many plants in there that will fit and still receive good sunlight. :)

There is a guy with a site dedicated to balcony gardening, i will see if i can find it for ya.
All I have is a patio... and I have 40 odd varieties of chilli, plus a few other bits and pieces growing or will be growing. Thankfully it is a decent sized patio and receives adequate sunlight (just). Of course, the bitch is, I have to move my plants half way through the day to ensure they receive that adequate sunlight - something you may have to keep in mind depending on whether or not your deck receives sun for the whole day.

At the moment I only have about half of those varieties outside - the rest are either still germinating or are in the middle of the "hardening off" process. Needless to say, it's gonna be an experience and a half once the *whole* family is out there... (And oh yes, there will be pics posted).

And about it being an addiction? Well, considering I had only originally planned to grow five, maybe ten plants max, I am now asking myself how this happened? I have spent a fortune on potting mix, crap to make my soil drain better, fertilizer, pots, *lots* of pots... I have ended up with a heat pad, a little germination hot house do-dad thing, some gizmo that is supposed to read soil pH and moisture levels (which doesn't work by the way), you name it!

First time chilli grower too by the way :)
Nice pics - great looking peppers - I'm in NOVA as well, will start to germinate several types of seeds just after the first of the year - have a large area in the house to get them started (hopefully they will also fruit all year long) - - - what dirt mix did you use?
DIKTOE said:
what dirt mix did you use?

The soil is just some left over potting soil from plants and herbs that died that my girlfriend had....hand me down soil.

I have not even looked into that I should use when I run out.