health New to growing, not quite sure what's wrong here :/

Hey guys,

Atm i'm growing a Jonah 7 Pot, Bhut Jolokia and a Butch T which i bought from the fremantle chilli festival last saturday. Later that day i left em in the sun for too long (40 degree day) and burnt them a bit. Since then i've been only giving them about 3-4 hours of sunlight in the morning, and watering about once a day so all the soil is quite moist. I've repotted them since the previous ones were too small.

Generally the plants have been growing well, i've been getting more and more flowers each day and more leaves/stems but the leaves don't look the best.. All 3 plants have developed tiny white spots all over them which i thought could simply be sun spots but i'm not too sure. Some of the leaves have burnt tips, some are turning yellow and most areas of all 3 plants are wiltering.

I've been reading up quite a bit about it but i keep getting mixed results. Some say to water them less, some say more.. Some say it's lacking nutrients which causes yellow leaves but then they say there's too much nitrogen which can cause burnt tips... contradiction?! Anyway i thought i would just start a thread and hopefully get some help. So if u have any tips and could share them i'd really appreciate it :)

Now for some photo's.

Here's an example of the white spots

The worst case of all the yellow leaves, the rest are actually nowhere near as bad as this 1.

Burnt tips.

The one thats wilted needs water, the one with burnt tips is fert burn (too much fertilizer) yellow leaves is either lack of nitrogen or over watering, not sure about the white dots? Some sort of deficiency or bugs?
Ok thanks. The ones that's wiltering also has some yellow leaves.. which makes watering a bit confusing because it's either more or less. Maybe add some nitrogen? I bought some powerfeed which is 14/1.4/9 and some Seasol seaweed concentrate. The other 2 with the fert burn, how can i solve this? These 2 are the ones with a new pot mix so should i just repot them again with different stuff? Unfortunetaly i can't tell u much about the mix because i threw the bag away, the same lady at Bunnings just recommended it and said it's an all in 1 mix mainly for fruit n veg lol..
I would back off the water and the fertilizer, if you can stick your finger down in the soil(2-3 inches) and it feels moist they don't need water. Peppers don't like to much attention, I bet your loving them tah death. You don't usually need to fertilize plants in fresh soil, wait a few weeks as most potting soil comes with nutrients added.
Yeh that's what i thought... i have been given way em way to much attention haha. Tried what u said and it's not very dry, or very wet.. closer to dry so maybe i'll give em water tomorrow. What sort of sun would u recommend for while they're flowering? like i said, atm it's about 4 hours of morning sun but they are behind this glass panel so it's not direct sun light coz Perth sun be pretty damn strong!

Thanks :)
Here in Florida the sun is like a laser beam, I have my outside plants(most of em) in partial shade, 6 hours of full sun, some I have in full sun all day and they have done ok. If they are used tah partial be careful, put em out little by little and keep an eye on em I killed a few by just puttin out in the morn, by 4PM they where dead.
It looks like it has too much nitrogen causing some calcium deficiency (the deformed leaves indicate this). What you are worried about looks like fertilizer burn.
It looks like it has too much nitrogen causing some calcium deficiency (the deformed leaves indicate this). What you are worried about looks like fertilizer burn.

Thanks, do u know a quick fix for this? or should i repot with different potting mix that doesn't have such strong fert.