smoking New to smoking 2

Today, for the old mans bday going to try to make some RIBS!!!, so gave thes 3 racks a trim, made up a dry rub, DIY shaker (thanks mum) haha, and we are set.

FIred up Layla today, for a quick bbq, on the agenda was some Pulled Pork, and then the TB inspired me to have a crack at smoking some fish. First of all, the largest pork butt (we call em shoulders) i could find was just over a kilo or so. TINY, had no other choices, so i grabbed to and began to smoke the 2 smallest butts ive seen
Mustard slather pork, then a dry rub i spose


Hand Pull to begin


Sweet Chilli Salmon



Now i havent had salmon like this ever before, and boy did i enjoy it, thinking that this could become a regular occurence
So going to put on a big BBQ in 2 weeks time.

Plan is to do ribs, brisket and pulled pork. Plenty sides, slaw, mac and cheese, most likely do some Poppers to begin with.

So the search is on to find a butcher for the Brisket and some nice big butts!!
Ribs are sorted and hopefully they may also provide the butts

Will be a early morning for me. See how it goes doing 3 different things at once, managed with the pork and the fish the other night, fingers crossed
That is pure manna from heaven that fish.
I would eat that 15 times a day.
Here me now, believe me later.
Aussie's rock harder than penitentiary steel!
Dude.... The smorked salamon looks amazing!
Spelling intentional... I had it in Nagoya, Japan a couple years ago. At least that's what the menu said. ;)
They were also serving Fly of a Cheese. Both were goooood.

Even though those butts are small they look great!
There was a sale here last week on butts for $1.29 lb. I bought 6 @ ~ 9 lbs.
2 smoked last weekend with 2 racks of spares I cut St. Louis style. Dinner for 3 Or 20.
I've gotta do some salmon this weekend. That looks awesome.
Good Lord that salmon looks awesome.  I need to smoke me some of that.  How much time for the salmon?