New to the form

I'm and armature botanist who found a love for the forbidden fruit. As of now I'm growing all the main cultivated species as well as c. Galapagoense, c. pratermissum, c. chacoense, c. eximium, c. cardenasii and c. flexuosum and some inter-specific hybrids. I lover super hots and pepper powder!
osipher said:
I'm and armature botanist who found a love for the forbidden fruit. As of now I'm growing all the main cultivated species as well as c. Galapagoense, c. pratermissum, c. chacoense, c. eximium, c. cardenasii and c. flexuosum and some inter-specific hybrids. I lover super hots and pepper powder!
Where did you get all those wilds? Oh_and 