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New way for seed germination?

I was cutting up some pods for seeds today and got to one freaky pepper. When I cut this pepper open it had 20+ seeds germinated inside with about 1/2" long tails has anyone else seen this?


Can you say oil?
For me I see it when I have very ripe pods that the plant was stressed then well watered.
I see it a lot with large podded Annuums mostly.
I also see it in pods I picke that I didn't use right away.
I think the pod was ripe but was trying to re produce before it dried out.
Might be a temperature type thing.Too hot or cool,seeds dry out until conditions are right.
Right temps and moisture,seeds sprout.
I don't find it all that uncommon.
Seems I get it more with thick fleshed pods.
Usually stuff picked ripe and set in a bowl on the counter until I use them.
Annuums and Chinense is where I see it most.
Never in Frutescens ans seldom in Baccatums except in the bigger pods-Aji Amarillo types.

I think it has to do with seed maturity,temps and water content mostly.

Not uncommon,but i used to grow a lot of stuff/1 of 800 varieties in pots...
My Cumari Ou Passarinho this year have all had a baby pod inside except for 2. Anyone who has grown these knows how small they are. I know have five babies sitting on the plate drying with the seeds from them and 2 others. The others were all eaten, babies and all muahahahahahaaaa
I found sprouted seeds inside the pod while processing some Peach Bhuts today.  We have had a major weather change the past week from upper 90's(days) low 70's(nights) to low 80's(days) upper 40's(nights) and my plants are blooming and growing like crazy. Will probably frost by months end though