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Newbie Bhuts and Brains

Hey guys first yr grower getting concerned. I started my bhuts and brain strains from seed in march. Indoors with a grow light. Transplanted from cups to 5gal buckets about a month ago plants were about 6in. They are now about 11in it's mid June. There were a few buds I pinched off. Everyone keeps saying these plants get 3-4 to 7ft! I don't feel mine are going to triple in less then 2months. It's been 80s during the day and high 50s at night. I'm in upstate NY. Growing in MG Moisture Control. Mixed in some perlite and some gravel at the bottom. Using MG fertilizer only once and CalMag because 1 plants leaves are growing all twisted and wrinkled. I guess I'm just scared my 1ft bhuts are going to put out 3 peppers.
Most of the plants that get to the 5+ ft are a few years old and are overwintered indoors -- sounds like yours are doing fine. I started 2 plants the first week of Feb. and they are currently about 1ft (the Heat here slows them down a bit as they pretty much shut down when it's in the high 90's and above so most of the growth is when it cools in the evenings.) - I figure I will not see any pods set until the weather starts to cool down a bit in late September but we stay warm until late October to mid November so plenty of time for a decent harvest still. Figure the super hots are a bit slower growing so require a pretty long season if starting from seed so March might be a bit late for your area but you should still get a few pods before it gets too cold for them (and since you are in containers you could always bring them indoors to finish up and gain some more time) - then follow the Overwintering guide on the forum and keep them going to get an early start next year !

Here's a Pic of mine I took a few days ago for reference :

Checked and they didn't really sprout till April 1st.

Here's 2 of my better ones yesterday


Plants are about 11.5in tall and big leaves about 5in. I feel like some people measure the bucket also which doesn't make sence to me