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Newbie having problems with a Trinidad Scorpion, need help.

One of my Trinidad's started curling and basically falling apart in several ways. It is pretty fast onset and I have no idea what is going on. My second Trinidad looks like it is starting to do the same thing, oddly enough the rest of my peppers seem fine, so I am at a loss to what is going on. I do not see any bugs or anything else out of the ordinary either.
Please realize I am brand new to growing and please forgive my ignorance in advance on anything that should be common sense for someone growing peppers. Here are some pics.


Thank you in advance for any and all advice and help.
Yeah, that's definitely sunburn.Put the plants in indirect sun for a while, then put them back out for a few hours each. Play it by ear and gradually increase the amount until they could stand a full days' worth of sun.
And don't worry, Arkennon, we all have have to start somewhere. Believe me, I've screwed up a few times rather royally ;)
Thank you all very much, already moved them into partially shaded areas that have little bits of sunshine coming through. I am a bit surprised that it is only the Trinidad Scorpions that are having the issue, all my others seem to be enjoying the sun. Bhut's are popping little flower pods like crazy.
Id say cut the top off of that thing! :) Cut off some of the lower "water" leaves too....clean it up....let it grow out of it right where it sits :) Keep good nutes on it and leave that sucker right where shes sitting! :)
Just my Dos Pesos :D
The sun burn they have they will grow out of....No worries! :) Seriously speaking, cut the top off of it....the top 3" of the plant....clean cut! :) Trust me....in about 3 months you will be glad you did! :)
Sizzlin' Salutations!,
Dale E. Baker Jr
Baker's Peppers LLC
BakersPeppers said:
Id say cut the top off of that thing! :) Cut off some of the lower "water" leaves too....clean it up....let it grow out of it right where it sits :) Keep good nutes on it and leave that sucker right where shes sitting! :)
Just my Dos Pesos :D
The sun burn they have they will grow out of....No worries! :) Seriously speaking, cut the top off of it....the top 3" of the plant....clean cut! :) Trust me....in about 3 months you will be glad you did! :)
Sizzlin' Salutations!,
Dale E. Baker Jr
Baker's Peppers LLC
I haven't seen enough evidence either way to convince me to snip my plants but I'm guessing they'd say no if they were given the choice
cactusMD said:
I haven't seen enough evidence either way to convince me to snip my plants but I'm guessing they'd say no if they were given the choice
LOL...I'd say the fact that someone like Bakers Peppers is stating to do it, then that would be enough evidence for me!!!
Appreciate all the advice, and yes I clipped that one as you said. I think the problem may be something else though, all the rest of my peppers, so far anyway, look really good. Especially the Bhut's, they have tons of flower pods already. But the Trinidad's both are looking worse and worse by the minute, no idea whats going on, starting to drop leaves and the other leaves curling and changing colors and everything else so fast it is unreal. My friend, who turned me on to growing super hots also had a Trinidad from the same place I bought my 2, he called me today and told me he had no idea what was going on but his is all but dead, and he had transplanted it into his garden that he grows his Bhut's successfully in. He plans to buy a few more Trinidad Scorpion plants from somewhere else though apparently to make sure he has a few for this season. I was so excited to grow some of these also, but I have absolutely no means to replace them. Talk about being bummed.
I appreciate all the help though, these forums are amazing.
Reverend Michael Massey
BakersPeppers said:
Id say cut the top off of that thing! :) Cut off some of the lower "water" leaves too....clean it up....let it grow out of it right where it sits :) Keep good nutes on it and leave that sucker right where shes sitting! :)
Just my Dos Pesos :D
The sun burn they have they will grow out of....No worries! :) Seriously speaking, cut the top off of it....the top 3" of the plant....clean cut! :) Trust me....in about 3 months you will be glad you did! :)
Sizzlin' Salutations!,
Dale E. Baker Jr
Baker's Peppers LLC
Why do you say top it, will the TS grow that much better after topped??  I seen it a few times but putting the plant back three months  doesn't seam right?   
Arkennon said:
Appreciate all the advice, and yes I clipped that one as you said. I think the problem may be something else though, all the rest of my peppers, so far anyway, look really good. Especially the Bhut's, they have tons of flower pods already. 
Receiving the best advice for your plants from a forum is always going to be a really hard call, as i have discovered from my first grow last year. Posting pics of your plants helps a little, but as everyones grow is different then it's so hard to get a 100% firm answer on what the problem is.
I had a Hot Fish plant that looked AMAZING quite early on in my grow.....it started putting out pods whilst still under my flouro lights etc, when the rest of my grow was looking really unhealthy. Fast forward to the end of my season and it only ended up giving me 2 decent pods whereas the rest of the "unhealthy" plants gave me heaps later in the season!
I too will be pruning WAY more this year, as i have seen the great results that people have gotten from doing so. 
Lots of flowers at the stage you're at is great, but only if they stay on the plant...which sadly, a lot of mine didn't :(
Any advice with good intent is good advice in my book :) I realize and accept that I will have problems, especially during my first year. It just really sucks that I will not have any Butch T's, or any TS's for that matter. Being my first year my hopes were to grow several different supers to get myself started, and I invested every cent I was able into this at this time, so it is just a bit more disappointing than I anticipated to be honest. I am thinking I might call around to some greenhouses around my area and see if any will maybe trade me some super hot plants for some computer parts or work they need done or something, not getting my hopes up but who knows maybe I will get lucky.
The one I trimmed has pretty much dropped the rest of it's leaves, and the stem is looking funky also now. I am thinking I might transplant the dying TS's way out in the back of the yard and just clean the pots out to be reused if I can lucky enough to find some more plants I can get somehow. Maybe some more Butch T's or maybe Brain Strains or something. I am guessing it will be a futile effort, but hey hope is free and we are all allowed to have it :)
Sincerely, Reverend Michael Massey
Don't give up hope it's a long summer to go and they can come back very well or over winter them!!  I know my plants sure are not liking the cold weather here in N. Cali. 60's F but next week it be 110F + LOL and the plants will like that I hope. 
If you don't get many peppers from your superhots by the end of the season let me know and I will send you a box. I always have way more than I need or can use and would be happy to send a mixed box your way.
Thank you very much, that is a very kind offer, and I may take you up on it. I am still hoping to find someone who is willing to let go of a few Butch T's or Brain Strain's in some kind of trade or something also. My fingers are still crossed :)
Thank you again, is very nice of you and appreciated.
Reverend Michael Massey