Newbie help finding seeds please!

BlackFatalii said:
Bahamian Goat, yellow Scotch Bonnets, Paper Lantern Habanero, Orange Blob, Carbonero, and CGN21500 are all very tasty peppers with habanero-class heat.
If you want to give superhots I try then I would suggest the Yellow Brain Strain. Outstanding flavor and intense heat with that one.  :hell:
Super hots are not in my future any time soon but thank you for the recommendations. I will look into them.
If you message me your address, I'll send you a few selections off my trade list.. Unless you want to pick them yourself. I likely won't get around to growing most of these varieties this season because I've acquired too many others. Plenty of info on them online. Shishito and Sunbright look like they'd fit your ISO nicely.
Thanks. I appreciate the response. I think Im overloaded with pepper seeds. I bought a few here and there and thanks to the kindness of the sellers here I got a bunch of free seeds. More than I can grow. I only want one of each plant and Im germinating 3 of each variety in cas some fail. Moral of the story this forum rocks and now I will have more peppers than I know what to do with. And more seeds that I should give away.